Chapter 3: Information

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Gulf POV

"Are you tong and Becky" I asked the two people who were stating at me

"Yes yes please sit Luna" tong said smiling

"Excuse me I don't want to seem rude but my name isn't Luna" I said sitting down in front of the two people

"S-sorry Gulf" he said

"Well nice to meet you" I smiled

"Same to you" Becky said smiling

"Well let's get straight to it have you ever heard of wear wolves" he asked

"Well yes but I've only seen them in movies someone has told me they were really but I've never saw one" I chuckled

"Well if I told you that we were wear wolves what word you sat" he asked nervously pointing between him and Becky

"Really" I asked and they both nodded thier head still looking nervous

"Wow so cool wait you called me about sir Mew so does that mean he is one too" I asked

They both looked at each other while I waited for them

"Yes he is" he said and my eyes went wide

That...... Is..... So............ Cool

"Are you ok" Becky asked me

"Yes it's just so... Cool when I was growing up I've always wanted to be one never thought they were real but they are" I said

"Then what are mates is that some what related to wolves" I asked thinking about sir mew's and lhongs conversation earlier

"Well that is why we called you here" they both said in unison

"Are you siblings" I asked and they nodded

"Oh ok continue" I said and tong pulled out some file from his case

"Well mates are people we wear wolves can't live without a mate is someone we need they can calm you and make you feel loved in this case with Mew you are his destined mate" Becky explained


"You are mew's mate" she repeated

"What does that mean exactly" I asked

"Well it means you are the only person that can calm him or that can make him feel sane but mew is more than a regardless alpha he is a true blooded meaning he needs you he can't live without you the moment you get hurt he will get hurt more but his hurt will turn into anger and he will kill anyone that dare do anything bad to you, with that being said here is a file about his group" she said handing me a file that said true blooded alphas

This is so crazy I never thought this would I happen

I am sir mew's mate

"What is rut" I asked staring at the folder in front of them

"Another reason we called you here, we did some research and when an alpha is in rut they will want not they will need to have sexual intercourse with there mate but it says with humans it's different although this isn't tested because no alpha and human have ever been mates someone from long ago thinks that a human can control thier alpha meaning if you tell me to stop he will possibly stop" tong said

I'm not blushing I'm not blushing

"Hey are you ok your face is red" Becky said

"I told you this was a bad idea" tong sighed

"No no t-tell me more" I said

"Are you sure" they both asked and i nodded my head

"Mew's rut is coming up in 5 days his rut comes every 3 to 4 months it ends in 3 days but usually in order for him not to go to you he will lock himself up but his desire for you is to strong more stronger than a regular person so he goes far away from where you live and will lock himself up, chain himself but because he wants you too bad he hurts himself trying to get out of the cuffs" tong said and I frowned

"Is it that bad" I asked ad they both nodded

"Then what can I do to help without making him do what he wants" I said

I'm not blushing

"We want to test the human theory" Becky said

"What if it doesn't work" I asked

"Then you will have to give him this pill" she said handing me a bottle of pills

"This will make him sleep for 5 hours so at least and then when he wakes up he should be normal you have our number so we will text you the details about where we keep him and remember be safe" tong said both gathering thier things

"We must leave before Mew finds us" becky said

"O-ok thank you"

"Read over these files there are other things in them about wear wolves and thank you Luna" tong said before they both out there mask on and left the ice cream shop

His Possessive Alpha (Mewgulf) *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now