Part 3

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It was dead silent, all you could hear was even soft breaths from both of the teenage boys. One was questioning every part of his past self, asking himself why he couldn't just go into the house? Face the fact that he was leaving. It would be much better than going on a road trip with Ej Caswell.

The other boys brain was much different, instead of wanting to go back he didn't. He was mentally putting himself through hell thinking about the consequences when he comes back, another half of his brain wanted to scream for help. The pain ached through his body, he felt as if he were being gutted a thousand times.

Ricky scrunched his eyebrows as they pulled up to a Walmart, looking from the window to the dark hair boy.

"What are we doing here?" He asked raising a eyebrow.

"Well kind sir, we are here to buy stuff. I don't know if you have been to a Walmart it's a place-"

"Fine I get it prick." The younger opened up the car door, stepping out. Ej let out a restrained yawn, groggily dragging his feet along the pavement.

"Did you know the first speeding ticket was because someone was going eight miles per hour?" Ricky said out of no where, making ej give him a judgmental look. They have been inside long enough to get to a isle, and both were grateful, they were tired of the cold freezing weather.

"Are you sure that wasn't you? Because your a pretty slow driver." The curly headed boy gave a sarcastic smile, grabbing the razors off the shelf. "What was the speeding limit anyway? Five miles per hour. Man are you sure your not a time traveler?" The younger scoffed.

"What do we need from here anyway?" He asked shifting the conversation away from his terrible driving skills. His gaze shifted towards the taller rolling up his hoodie sleeve, revealing words probably written down with a sharpie, Ricky deciding not to commenting on the fact that there was bruises next to the words.

"So we need, razors which we just got. Also, toothpaste, toothbrushes, a twenty four pack of water bottles, we need to get clothes because I'm not going to wear these for the next week. Do you have anything else in mind?"

Ej hoped that he would say no, he lied when he said he had lots of money. A matter a fact he only have five hundred dollars, which isn't that much when he has to pay for motels, food and were ever they were going after the canyon.

"I'll tell you if I see anything. Also couldn't you just be a normal human being and write your list on a piece of paper. Oh, or better yet just remember it."

"Oh well not all of us have pristine memory's." Ej bit back as his head looked up reading the isles and what's in them.

Ricky gaze wandered the store as they shopped quietly, thoughts about big red knowing that he was lying came flooding in.

What if he thinks I'm a bad friend?

Is he going to tell the others?

What if he knows I'm with ej?

He looked over to the taller boy who was peacefully minding his own business. Taking note of the purplish bags under his eyes, the way he sluggishly walked around. Does he sleep?

"Bowen I know I'm pretty but quit staring at me and help me shop." Ricky groaned, following the older around.

They were at check out when he spotted a green object and a grin spread upon his face, so much that ej caught on, furrowing his eyebrows concussed on the sudden change of attitude.

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