Episode 18

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Barely pulling herself out of her cozy sleeping bag, Camari trudged to Aaron who was struggling with a crying baby. Ducking under the flap of a brown tent Camari flicked her tail to the bundle which almost instantly quiet the baby. Aaron raised his brows to Camari, waiting for an answer.

Camari shrugged. "It always works with children."

"Thanks," answered Aaron while he handed Camari the baby.

Camari tried to give the girl back to Aaron, but he dodged her. "What am I suppose to do with this?"

"Keep her from crying. You get the easy part since I did everything else," reported Aaron.

"She smells funky," complained Camari, her ears twitched back in disgust.

"Time to change her diaper," Aaron announced as he rummaged through a back for cloth.

Camari dropped her head. "Let's get this over with."

Camari laid the baby down on a sleeping bag and helped Aaron anyway possible, however Aaron did most of the work. Meyer kneeled by Aaron and wrapped the girl when they finished. For the rest of the morning Camari and Aaron babysat the little creature.


"We're going to check the shoreline for the baby's family," Laurance told Horace and Camari who were lounging under a spruce.

Horace popped his head up from Jasper's arms, "When are you going?"

"Right now." Laurance answered, "Who wants to come with?" 

"Camari and I will," volunteered Jasper while he helped Horace up.

Camari glared at Jasper and held her tongue before she snarled at them. The meif'wa hopped up with her scythe and handed Horace his cane. Horace's black brown eyes widened as he took his cane and walked with Jasper to the camp. Camari and Laurance followed the two back to the campsite to find Travis and Vylad ready to go.

Horace held onto Jasper's hand for a moment longer and doddered to Aaron. Then, Jasper briskly ambled to them leaving Horace to help Aaron with the enfant. Checking on Horace and Aaron, Jasper saw his beloved clutching the girl to his chest with one hand.

Laurance motioned. "Come on. We only have so much sunlight."

"He's so demanding," grumbled Travis when he walked past Camari.

Camari dipped her chin. "That's an understatement."

Jasper and Camari kept up with the group while they travelled along the sandy shoreline. Pinecones and rocks were buried in the ground, waves lapped the land. Seagulls and puffins loitered around them waiting for food or something else.

"Vylad, where are you from?" asked Jasper to start a conversation.

Vylad looked over his pine green scarf. "O'Kasis."

"Really, I'm from there, too." Jasper shared, "I grew up there with my little brother named Sebastian."

Travis cocked his head. "What about your parents?"

"They died from an illness." Jasper's eyes dropped.

"I'm sorry about that," counseled Travis.

Laurance interjected suddenly, "Do you hear that?"

"Yeah, it sound like a river," stated Camari while she passed them.

Travis caught up to Camari while they traversed a short cliff, they held onto roots to haul themselves up. Gazing down from the top a white capped river rushed by with sounds of water hitting rocks echoing in the valley. Trout jumped from the rapids, branches from oaks stretched towards the other side.

Laurance appear beside them. "We need to keep going. Aphmau and the baby are counting on us."

"You might be right." agreed Camari and tore her eyes off of the beautiful sight, "Travis, let go of my tail."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," sheepishly admitted Travis.

Camari asked Travis, "Does it calm you down?"


Camari handed Travis her tail and lead the way after Laurance. Jasper could only laugh at the sight, even Vylad smiled. All of them continued their hunt for the baby's parent until it became midafternoon without signs of human life. Soon enough when they returned to the camp it was packed up on the ship, so they boarded to leave.

"Aphmau, we couldn't find her parents," revealed Laurance.

Aaron stated as he hand Aphmau the enfant, "You should name her."

"You talk!" blurted out Travis, so Camari hit the back of his head.

Aphmau took a moment to think. "Lillith. I want to name her Lillith."

This caused Camari's and Aaron's faces dropped instantly causing Jasper to comfort them. Meyer look to Aaron and wrapped her cloak around his shoulder as an attempt to comfort him.

Aaron pulled the cloak tighter around his broad shoulders. "Lillith Garnet. She should have a middle name."

"I love that." gently smiled Aphmau.

Vylad looked at Camari with some concern and caught her scythe before she could go. Camari gave him a slight nod, then held her churning stomach as the sailed. Lucinda appeared from underdeck and thrusted a ginger concoction into Camari's hand. Leaving the scythe with Vylad, Camari devoured the ginger and instantly felt better.

"I'm alright." Camari replied to Vylad while she took her scythe back, "I knew someone name Lillith. That's all."

"Camari! Do you know anything about tombs?" questioned Travis.

Camari returned. "I could try. See you later."

Camari followed Travis underdeck allowing Vylad to stand there in confusion for a moment. However, Horace recruited Vylad to help him and Jasper to organize their food rations. All of them went their separate ways and the boat kept sailing.


"It's another island!" excitedly shouted Jasper who ran to the railing.

Gorgeous, towering purple trees shot above dark green spruces caught Horace's breathe. Long and gigantic mountains ran along their view, rocks littered the beach. The sounds of an anchor being dropped into the ocean rocked the boat. Smells of flowers and salt could even reach the ship from the island.

Aphmau organized everyone to leave to the island and so they left with Lucinda's magicks. Sand sank under Camari's weight as she stalked across the shoreline. Instantly, all warmth left the vicinity and the scent of rotting flesh filled the meif'wa's nose. 

In front of her, Aphmau's diamond sword appeared in her hand while she shouted at something invisible. Travis' skin turned to a dark gray causing him to draw his sword and Laurance transformed into his Shadow Knight form. Camari swung her scythe into a fighting stance against an invisible enemy. 

Camari bared her teeth. "Who is that?"

"The Demon Warlock, my father," barely choked out Travis.

Laurance lunged himself at Travis, so Camari almost threw herself at him to have Aaron stop her. Aphmau stepped in between Camari and Laurance and tried to calm down Laurance.

"You need to calm down." advised Vylad, "Come with me so you can."

"Fine," growled Laurance, his sword shaking.

"Cami, stop," whispered Aaron into Camari's ear.

Camari lowered her scythe and reached for Aaron's wrist. Standing by Aaron's side, Camari turned to face the ocean and immersed herself in it. The sound of the world around her faded away.

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