Chapter 12

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          Your alarm went off and you wake up slowly opening your eyes, starting to  stretch and yawn. You sat up rubbing your eyes taking in a minute to fully function what was going on. After a moment you grabbed your phone to check your social media laying back down for a while. You seen the time and decided to start getting up and getting ready. You went to the restroom to wash your face, brush your hair, and teeth before changing into a new set of clothes. Your parents leave in the morning for work so you were usually home alone. You decided to just skip breakfast and locked up the house before leaving for school. You were still half asleep and slightly chilly as the morning breeze blew past you. You soon see your friend and her brother in front of you placing a smile on your face, giving a tired delicate wave

"Hey hot stuff, good morning"

Your friend teases and Yamaguchi waves back

"Good morning guys"

You say sleepily, continuing to walk with them to school

"It's pretty chilly today isn't it"

Your friend says with a shiver

"Yeah it's freezing"

You agree, shivering aswell

" I told you to put on your sweater before we left the house"

Yamaguchi says slightly pouting at his sister

"Yeah but I didn't think it would be this cold"

She bickers back. You giggle at their brother sister fighting and shiver again when another cold breeze blows past


Your teeth start to chatter when you suddenly feel a hand on your shoulder

"Hey, do you wanna wear my jacket y/n?"

You turn to see Yamaguchi lightly blushing, a flush of pink covers your cheeks aswell

"I- um no y-you keep it I don't want you to get sick"

"I'll take it!"

Your friend says snatching the jacket out of Yamaguchi's hand. He snatches it back and she starts to pout

"I'm cold tooo"

She drags out

"Like I said, you should have grabbed yours when I said to"

He snaps at her then turns back to you handing it to you again

"I wouldn't feel right if you got sick before a volleyball game, we're almost to school anyway"

You say pushing it away slightly getting embarrassed, although you'd secretly love to take it

"Just take it. I don't mind the cold to much"

He said sweetly and with a soft smile. Your eyes sparkled and you hesitantly took the jacket


You put it on and it automatically smelled like him, it was soooo warm. You smiled taking it all in. You loved it already. It was comfortable and wrapped around you just perfectly

"You're welcome"

He replied with another soft smile on his face. Your friend stuck her tongue out at her brother and looked at you

"Nice one of us is warm"

She sarcastically teased. You let out an awkward chuckle and wiggled a little bit enjoying the warmth and smell of Yamaguchi. You breath it in once more thinking how much you're gonna enjoy today

You get to school and go your separate ways before class. You can't help but to sniff the freshly clean jacket that smelled like Yamaguchi. You became all flustered thinking about earlier this morning. You soon zoned out completely not even paying attention in class when the bell rang, it startled you snapping you back to reality. 'well I guess he's gonna want this back' you think to yourself pouting at the sad thought. After a couple of classes had passed, you were walking to your next one when you noticed Yamaguchi in the halls, walking next to Tsuki. You decided this would be the right time to give the jacket back and ran up to him tapping him on the shoulder


You say kinda loud because of everyone around you. He turns slightly startled Tsuki following right after

"Here's your jacket back"

You say akwardly avoiding some eye contact. You felt so embarrassed

"Oh, thanks y/n"

**This is kinda switching to tsuk's pov**

He grabbed it lightly grazing your hand unconsciously, and smiled. Tsuki just looked down at you and Yamaguchi getting a bit jealous. He didn't understand why. I mean he did, but not at the same time. He was confused and felt left out in a way. The bell rang again and it snapped him out of thought. You smiled sweetly and waved bye to the boys

"See ya after class"

You walk away not knowing what you did. Yamaguchi looked and smiled at Tsuki

"Ready to go to class?"

Tsuki just shrugged and made a "meh" sound following Yamaguchi to their next class

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