Chapter 18

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          You guys were on your usual path to home talking and laughing with each other. As you guys walked, your friend still had the slight jealousy bubble up inside of her. She seen how Tsuki looked at you and it made her mad. She knew you knew she liked him and would never try to take him from her. But seeing as how he felt and stared at you she couldn't help it. You took all his attention and it made her feel left out. Your friend was soon snapped out of her thoughts when Yamaguchi started to speak

"Hey! Since it's technically now the weekend why don't we have a sleep over. It's been a while since we had one"

He smiled looking at everyone


You smiled back at him

"I'd have to run home real quick to drop some stuff off and get a new change of clothes"

You continue to say before Tuki added on

"Me too"

"Ok, that's fine. We'll see you later then"

Yamaguchi says with another smile as he waved goodbye going ahead with his sister. Now it was just you and Tsuki, it was slightly akward so you waved goodbye

"Welp see you later"

You say before turning around and scurrying off. He tried to say the same but you were too far to hear his words. It had been about 15 minutes since you said farewell to your friends. It takes almost 10 minutes to get home, so it really had only been 5 minutes since you walked through your door. You decided to take a quick shower to wash away today's work. You picked out some decently comfy clothes to wear and headed your way to your friends house. On your way you seen Tsuki was just a few steps ahead of you, so you decided to sneak behind him to try and scare him. You were getting ready to pounce when this tall, salty, green been bitch turned around and seen you. Honestly it scared you because you weren't expecting him to notice you

"What the hell??! How-"

You say confused looking at a smugish look upon his face

"I noticed you a bit ago when I was walking "

He said between a snicker

"Your gonna have to do better than that shorty"

He laughed again looking down on your figure. You huffed in annoyance and defeat

"Freaking creep-"

You mumble, looking the other way as you pouted

"What did you say shorty?"

Tsuki turns his head trying to look at your face

"Nothing you creep"

You shout slightly before rushing before him. You start giggling as you run

"I'll beat you to Yamaguchi's house"

Tsuki grunts but then chuckles aswell

"You can try!"

He runs aswell trying to catch up

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