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Everything I've ever wanted, this is it, this is where I get my answers. I have so many questions! One question for me though, do I want to know the answers to them? At the end of the day I'd be heartbroken...

I looked deeply into the eyes man standing beside me, claiming to be the person that saved me, somehow I feel... relieved. But I still have questions... so many questions!

Mi-Rae: Is it really you? My eyes widened in disbelief.

He looked surprised with my reaction, Is he not happy to finally meet me?

Mi-Rae: Where... where d-did you go? I stuttered, tears filling my eyes.
I don't know what came over me,
but I got so emotional. I stepped closer to him, then hugged him.

He hesitated at first, but then he wrapped his hands around me bringing my body closer to him.

Mi-Rae: T-thank you, thank you! I said as more tears fell, I looked up to see people staring at us. I quickly exited from his hold, wiping my eyes.

Jin had noticed my discomfort and took my hand pulling me through the crowd of people. He stopped at door opening it and pushing me inside.

I looked up at him confused but he gave me a reassuring look and I relaxed.

Jin: We can talk here. He smiled

Mi-Rae: It's great to finally see you again. You saved my life I can't thank you enough, really I-

Jin: It's okay, I would've beat myself up if I hadn't.
- To be honest, you saved my life. I had a truly hectic day when I saved you. He chuckled.

Pushing him away you get a closer look at him, you could have at least said hi. You pouted.

Jin: I'm sorry, I truly am. I really wish I had more time, but I have to get going. He sighed.

Mi-Rae: It's fine I understand.                                                                                                                                        - I'll go say goodbye to your mother and brother on my way out.

Was that it? No! I want to know more. Am I going crazy! I just meet this guy.  But... I feel like I've known him forever.


At the hospital...

Mi Rae POV: Laying on the hospital bed looking up at the ceiling... I'm bored you say tossing yourself around.

Finally deciding to get up and wander around the place. It looked depressing honestly, but some parts of it looked beautiful! There was a water fountain with a unique design and a great number of rose bushes. Walking around a bit more I came across a small shack with an elderly lady selling what looked like dolls.

I went over to look at the palm-sized dolls. Are you looking for something in particular? The Lady smiled seeing I was her first customer for today.     

No, not really I just came to have a look. I smiled back at her. Not many people your age come to visit these days. Your generation is all about phones! She chuckled. It's true. I replied. But I am really bored here. I sighed. I think I have something just for you.

She turned around and pulled open a drawer. She then took out a book and a pencil. I'm sorry, But I don't have any money. I waved my hands in a no gesture. Aigoo! What are you talking about I'm giving this to you for free. She rested the book and pen on the table.

What? No, you don't have to. I reassured her. Please take this you are my first customer today. She nodded. It would be unpolite for me to turn her down.

I thought picking up the book and pen off the table. Thank you miss. I bowed. Then left, and took a seat on a bench. Opening the book, my eyes widen at the sight, it was full of letters! Really old ones.

The dates go back to the 1940s. Squinting my eyes to read them I notice that.... they were love letters. So many of them. It was beautiful! They must have been far away from each other for a long time. After I started reading I couldn't stop. It was like a never-ending romance movie but better. I carried it everywhere, even when I was discharged. It was the cure for my boredom.

Until a few months later... I was in the last letter. I'm almost finished reading the letters I never wanted to end. This last page is interesting, it was different from the others. This time it was both of their handwriting... they were finally together again.

It was the most emotional, romantic, dramatic thing I've ever read in my life. I thought as I closed the book. Even though I was really sad that it ended, it made me want to start my own chapter, write my own letters.

And to whom? The one person that I have in mind when I read this book...          

 The one who saved me.

To be continued~

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