Just got back from Kinsley's house, now listening to Girls
/Girls/Boys (Panic! At the Disco) Too weird to live to rare to die.
Anyway, pretty bored sitting on bed. Okay I have a lot of
questions on why my nickname is "Essie" or "Esse" well it was
a nickname that a friend gave me. Now listening to "Nicotine"
By P!ATD. "Cross my heart and hope to die, burn my lungs and
curse my eyes, I've lost control and I don't want it back , I'm
going numb I've been hijacked, it's a f*cking drag.
Sorry, those are the lyrics. XD. Yesterday me and Kinsley
answered "JJ" to like every question on
See ya later
- E S S I E
At school currently, Art class (Ms.Helm) Sitting here with
Corbin and Madeline. Simon's bus is late. Or he's not here.
Reading time, bored. The vice principal is talking about how
the halls are clear and that they can take roll. I think the choir
has a POPS concert today. And we have elective
choices...someone told me we could take Spanish.... I don't
even know. Anyway two people from my table are missing,
Cassidy and Simon. Morning announcements are about to
come on the intercom. Oh, so very bored. 8:08 am. Oh about that
we had a time change, so now we have to go to bed an hour
earlier and get up an hour earlier. Why can't they just leave
time ALONE. Anyway, may update later. Having an assembly
now leaving soon want to find some friends to sit with.
See ya later
- E S S I E
Well the map quiz is tomorrow, I don't want to study, alas I
must. Oh and Lauren, you're profile picture on puns,
sorry but that's me and JJ's thing. Not to be rude. Anyway
moving on today has been.....interesting. Met new people, they
seem to like me. Just some advice when you meet new people
be yourself because if you're not, and then you decide to be
yourself they will most likely think you had an attitude change,
for the best or worst. This morning I couldn't find my glasses
which SUCKED and still haven't found them. They vanished
into thin air.....literally. Weird..... *yawn* The time change was
just sucktastic because we have to wake up an hour earlier,
and honey I need my SLEEP, I couldn't talk or comprehend