Chapter 2

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Lisa's POV

I was not exactly sure what to wear to meet this woman. I mean... what does one wear to meet their lover's wife? I sighed. Knowing that this would not turn out well.

I decided to wear a jeans and flats just in case I will have to do a fight or flight response. I have yet to tell Jiyong that his wife called me. I mean I was a little afraid of to tell him in case he decided to stop the affair. I really needed his financial help. I was practically alone in this world. I mean I do have a little feelings for him... ha! Who am I kidding. I have lust for him. That man can fuuuuuccckk.

I quickly got ready and left my apartment. Fortunately it was 45mins away from the cafe and it was now 4 o'clock.

I arrived at cafe with 5 minutes to spare. I was not sure who to look for because while she knew how I looked, I had no idea how she looked.

I ordered a strawberry smoothie to use as a distraction. I heard the door open and I looked up expecting to see a very boring looking woman wearing baggy clothes and horrible wig. What I did see however was a woman who made me feel inferior. She was wearing a red pencil skirt suit, black heels which I am sure were red bottom. The suit clung to her body and showed off all her assets and she had a few. She had matching red lipsticks and dark glasses. Her hair was caught in a pony tail and seemed to pass her shoulders. I was unable to tell if it was her hair or a very bomb ass lace front.

By the way she walked you could tell that she was very confident about herself. All the men she passed turned to look at her. I felt like a bug in my jeans and t-shirt, with my flats and my curls all over the place.

She walked up to me and stopped at my table.

"Are you Lisa?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"My name is Jennie, as I had mentioned on the phone I am Jiyong's wife."

All I could do was nod. I was absolutely blown away by this woman beauty and elegance. I wondered why Jiyong cheated on her? Maybe she was a bitch...

"Let's go down to business" She continued "I know that Jiyong has been cheating on me with you for the past 6 months. I know exactly when he started seeing you and I know all the things he has bought you, even the apartment he's currently renting for you. I also know exactly when this little affair will end. How it ends is up to you..."

"Excuse me.." I said

"You heard me."

At this point I could feel my temper rising. I was never good at keeping my temper under control and has good has this woman looked I will not have any one speak down to me!

"Have you been spying on me?" I asked her.

"Not on you... on my husband which is my right to do. Jiyong has done this before. This is not new to him and you are not special to him. You are just another one on the wayside."

"Fuck you!" I said grabbing my bag and getting up.

"Sit the hell down Lisa!.... Please."

I would like to think that it was because of the please that made me sat down. However if I must be honest it was authority in her voice. It was surprisingly... arousing.

"What!" I said after sitting down. Trying to at least feel like I had the upper hand.

"I apologise if I hurt your feelings by what I said. You are.... young after all and seem easy to be manipulated. I was merely trying to advise you that Jiyong has done this before and will do it again after you."

"Then why do you stay?"

"That is besides the point. I do have a proposal for you. I want you to continue seeing Jiyong until I say when it ends.

I am pretty sure I had a what the fuck look on my face and my mouth hanging open. Because she chuckled.

"The thing is my life is, how should I put it, less difficult when Jiyong is distracted. So I need you to keep him distracted until I say when. My life cannot be difficult at the moment."

I wanted to ask her why but I figured that was none of my business. I did ask her a question ask her if I say no to her proposal what would happen.

"Well you are currently living in one of MY apartment building. I would hate to see you living on the streets, or jobless since the owner of the printing company you work is a dear friend of my father's. In addition, I could have your enrollment in college revoked."

"You wouldn't fucking dare!" I said.

"Oh try me Ms. Manoban. I will go to all ends to get what I want. Also tell Jiyong nothing of our conversation. We will be in touch." She said while getting up and leaving.

She wasn't that powerful... was she? Albeit I knew nothing about her. All I knew was that Jiyong was rich and got me what I wanted when I asked.

I need to go home and research.

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