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Y'know what fuck it, more angst, this was originally a one shot but who cares any more.

Time was weird. Ranboo knew he mustve been in this small room for at least a couple hours, but now there werent any footsteps to determine daytime from night time, so he had no clue what time it was.

Sometime after he had first gotten here, he heard a lock click open, and then two pairs of footsteps enter the room he was in, one was lighter, he guessed a female scientist, and another heavier, a guard.

The light footsteps stopped, and the heavy footsteps continued towards him, he felt the blindfold that he had just gotten accustomed to being on his face taken off, and the flourecents in the room blinded him, it took a moment getting used to them, eventually he did enough to see the people in the room, and he was right, it was woman in a lab coat and a guard.

He wanted to be back with tubbo.

He hated this facility, here he was a creature, a lab experiment, but with tubbo he could just be himself. There was nothing weird about him when he was with tubbo.

"318. I'm happy you're back!" Her overly cheerful voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to ranboo, it diddnt fit the atmosphere at all. He diddnt reply, he just stayed silent.

"I see... so, you've been with 126 these past few months?" So that was what they called him. 126.
"Tubbo" he growled at the woman infront of him.
"What?" She tilted her head slightly, like a lost puppy, it just fueled his anger more.
"HIS NAME IS TUBBO" he screamed, getting right up in to her face. She shared a worried glance with the guard, who simply nodded and returned his attention to ranboo.
"You've already been told this 318, creatures don't get names"
"Yes they fjcking do-!"
She sighed heavily, clearly this had not gone as planned.

She turned and left, but the guard did not, ranboo turned to him in confusion, but there was no reaction from him, he just stood in the corner of the room, unmoving.

"What do you want?" There was no reply, just silence, he turned and walked to the other corner of the room, sitting right in the corner, still staring daggers at the guard.

"Can I see tubbo?"
"No." It was the first thing the guard had said, and suddenly ranboo wished the guy couldnt speak. He diddnt want to have heard him say that.
"Why not?"
"127 is extremely hostile. It is not aloud to see you, or anyone."
"But "it" wont be hostile around me" he made quotation marks with his hands as he said 'it' . Tubbo wasnt an it.
"I don't care what you think. You're not seeing it."
"Please. I promise I wont do anything bad for the next month, I'll answer all your questions, just please, please let me see him"
"Two months. And I'll have to talk to someone about it first." Yes! He had done it! It did mean he would have to be all perfect for the next two  months, but at least he got to see tubbo.

The guard eventually left, after hearing something in his earpiece that ranboo of course diddnt hear.

He started to pace the room, counting every footstep he took as if they were seconds. He diddnt know how long it would be until he would see tubbo, but he was excited, and nervous, he was sacred that they had hurt tubbo, he diddnt want to have to see him if he was covered in scars.

A day passed, no one else visited ranboo, he was left alone in his cell, another passed, and he started to lose hope that he would see tubbo, he thought the guard might've been lying.

He was currently sat in the corner, silently staring at the door, waiting for someone to enter.

He heard a lock click, and he snapped his head up from the spot he was staring so intensely at a minute ago.

Two guards entered the room, one of them grabbed ranboos arm and started to drag him out, the other stood behind, he diddnt protest, he had made a deal to be peaceful if he got to see tubbo.

Which he suspected was happening now.

As soon as they were out of the room, ranboo felt the blindfold back on his face and then they started walking forwards, they turned a couple corners, after one particular turn the ender hybrid was pushed into a small room and the blindfold taken off.

There was no one in the room, but there were two chairs, both secured to the floor.

The guards had already left, the door was locked, so ranboo sat down in one of the chairs and waited.

After only five minutes he heard distant shouting down the hallway, and a lot of curses, as the voice got closer he recognised the voice. It was tubbos.

He sprang up from his seat and listened intently, tubbo sounded very upset, he clearly haddnt been told what was going on.

The voice got progressively louder and then he heard a key in the lock on the door, he reflexively stood back, the door swung open, and there stood tubbo, held by the two guards from earlier, he had a blind fold like ranboos, and cuffs just like his, except they seemed to be alot sturdier, rams were strong, he could probrably break out of any other bonds easily.

The guards chucked him on the floor, and left, the ender could feel their presence at the door, but at least they werent in the room.

Ranboo leaned down and started to pull the blind fold off his freind, but he pushed him away.

"Fuck off! I dont want any more experiments!" Tubbo sounded angry, but he could tell he was tired, not just physically, but mentally. He was tired of the facility, being treated like an animal, just in genral, he was tired of life.

"Tubbo it's me, they're not here..."
"Ranboo? No your tricking me! This is just a sick joke isnt it!"
"Its really me I promise, just let me take the blind fold of okay?"
"Fine." Tubbo turned his head up towards his freind, and he started to take the blind fold off slowly.

As soon as it was off they made eye contact, tubbo started to tear up, it was really him, he wasnt alone anymore.

He sat up, and quickly ran in for a hug, but stopped himself when he realised he couldnt, he just placed his head on his freinds shoulder instead, and ranboo returned the gesture.

They were together, finally, they could be together again.

Ummm this story has no plot and I'm just making continuous angst so I'm most likely not going to be writing anymore, this really isnt that high quality and I want to more focus my writing in diffrent areas instead of just spewing out poorly written angst with no plotline, I'm sorry if you were enjoying this story, but there will be no more updates.

On a higher note I'm really happy about the attention this story has gotten, I really dont think of my writing that highly so seeing so much praise and attention is so crazy to me, thank you, everyone who has read this, it means alot to me.

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