A family reunion

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Kaiko's POV
as Alpheus comes back aboard the speedboat, he is carrying a box containing ARIA. he had hidden her in a cave only accessible via the sea. as he set the container down i started the engines and sped back to the Arronax. Ant sat in the back with his cousin. he was extremely curious about Alpheus. to be honest I think he really like Alpheus now. he probably looks up to him. I hope they get along.
out of the corner of my eye I see Ant staring wide eyed at Alpheus. Im pleased when I see him smile back. not that i would ever admit it, but I consider Alpheus to be like a son to me.
I grin to myself. i do hope Alpheus will be okay. maybe he could stay with us for a while? after all he hasn't have the best role models in his life to guide him. he could become a really great person.
Alpheus' POV
I like the Nektons. I know I'm supposed to be their enemy, I really don't want to be. I especially like Ant. there's something about him. something that seems almost familiar. we have a special bond because of the Ephemychron, but I relate to him more than anyone. is that bad? As Ant talks to me he looks at me as if he doesn't judge me. he's even smiling?! I smile back at him despite myself. as we near the Arronax I ask Kaiko what will happen to me. she says I can stay with them. "after all we are family. plus I don't want to admit it but I really do like you despite everything." she puts her hand on my shoulder and smiles. "you can stay with Ant." beside me I see Ant punch the air and mouth "YES!" I thank Kaiko. as she reload the speedboat Ant leads me through the Arronax to his room. it's cluttered but not as messy as I thought it would be. he seems happy to have another person around. I understand. it does get pretty lonely. He asks if I want to sleep on the floor or somewhere secret. I ask him to show me and he lifts up his bed. "there's a secret tunnel down there. they go all through the sub." we climb in and I see all of his stuff here. "Ant, I can see that these are a really big secret for you. thank you for showing me. I'm sorry for everything and I really want you to forgive me. do you?" he smiles and hugs me. I'm surprised, but hug back.
Ant's POV
I grin at Alpheus. after his apology I hug him. Fontaine, Nereus and dad still don't know he's on board so far. I beckon to him to follow me down the tunnels and I lead him to the moon pool. "wanna go get a snack from the kitchen?" I lead the way down the tunnels and drop out of the exit. this one's in the ceiling. I pass up a jar of cookies and two drinks. I also take a first aid pack for Alpheus. as I climb back up into the tunnel I hear Fontaine coming and tell Alpheus to stay quiet. I get my drink and tip it all over Fontaine. she screams and we start laughing. I jump down as she looks up. Alpheus quickly shuts the panel to make it look like I was just on top of the fridge. God he's so cool he even knows how to cover for me. She stomps her foot and chases me around. after a few tries to catch me she gives up and leave. I get another drink and rejoin Alpheus in the tunnel. we walk along to my favourite bit. it's a cross section between the kitchen, my room, the moon pool and the bridge. it's the very centre of the Arronax and we sit down. before we star eating I treat Alpheus' cut and some of his bruises. when I finish he passes me a cookie and we start chatting. I learn more about him and it's easier to understand why he did what he did.
(timeskip to 1 hour later)
"Everyone to the bridge please. and I mean everyone." mom's voice comes over the comms so we get going.

730 words hope you enjoy!

Antaeus Nekton: Lemurias Lost Hope Book 1Where stories live. Discover now