Beach part 2

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Michelle's pov,
We are sitting her talking while Sam is sitting with Riley playing with the sand. Those to are so cute. I hope James and Riley have kids one day because Riley is really good with kids and I don't think James would be to bad himself.

Riley's pov,
Everyone is just sitting her talking about life and how it's wired not seeing each other everyday day at dance. I have hopped of my towel and I am sitting in the sand with Samantha while she plays with the sand sitting between my legs. Good she is so cute. I really hope one day James wants to have kids because I rely would want them one day.

James pov,
I see Riley there as happy as ever playing with Samantha in the sand and it makes me wonder if she has ever wanted kids I mean we have never really talked about it. So I diced maybe later will be a good time. Right now I am see everyone is getting a bit board.
"Hey guys I'm going into the water how coming with me" I ask
"I will come babe" Riley says
"I'll come to babe" Eldon says mocking Riley
It ends up that everyone is in the water but Chloe Michelle and Samantha.
Chloe's Pov,
I'm just sitting on the sad with Michelle playing with Samantha. Yes I know I have changed I never wanted to play with kids but now I don't mind.
"Hey Chlo you can go swimming if you want"
"Nah it alright I don't mind staying her with you guys and they will be out in a minute."
"Okay only if your sure"
"I am anyway hoes life been going"
"Really good actually what about you"
"Yeah pretty good to"
Just as I say that everyone gets out of the water. We all diced to go home as it is getting late and we don't want to stay here any more. We say our goodbyes and head home. It was an amazing day catching up with my friends. We need to do it agin some time.

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