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Jane starts looking at the paintings on the walls and sees that I painted them all.
-Gloria you are so talented. Thank you. Gloria I saw the photos of the bed. Are those yours too? YES, they are of my nieces and one is my younger sister and her daughter's many years ago. Some is from my photogenic memory and the other one is a photo Isabella took. I have started on one of you and our little angel but didn't care for it. I painted over it. When you get one from me, it will be a painting but will look Iike a real photo. I became sorta famous. Not too many can do that. I now recently started doing water color paints
I honned my skills after my surgery. I painted as a kid but just did stick figures until Isabella told me to stop farting around. She had seen some of my sketches and knew I could draw and challenged me to paint. I have been painting ever since. When you are ready to paint again, I will be honored to pose for you with Juliet. Oh silly girl, I don't need you to pose. I just look twice and do it from memory or from photo that Isabella takes. The photos in the guest room are my prize and joy. Isabella knows they are to go to my nieces when my day arrives for me to go.
Gloria I know and I don't want to talk about it. Isabella I cannot live forever. I know, but stop talking that way please. Well we are going to go to bed. Enjoy the bedroom. We know we will.
Gloria took a big pitcher of Sangria. glasses and water with them.
-Babe we never have discussed if something happens. Sam and I don't want to either. Just write up a will and I will follow it. Jane I don't want to rely om a breathing machine more than 15 days. Okay, I get it now stop or I will leave you here and go home with Juliet. Babe come here and cuddle with me. I will stop. You know I am planner yes. I love you. I love you too. Lets put her to bed and we can have dessert. I will get us some water and wine or beer Jane. Beer.
I feed our little one and Sam returns with beer and water.
We make out for while and I undress Jane and enter her. No more foreplay becuase she was needing me inside of her. We could hear Gloria and I knew they could hear me. Jane wasn't always as loud as me. We took a break after a couple of orgasms and drank the beers.
We could hear Gloria saying don't you stop bitch make daddy cum. Gloria sure came and we heard her scream. Our home is sound proof but Gloria doesn't have that here.
We continued ourselves and Jane gave me an awesome blow job and she took all what I gave her. We stopped around the same time as them. We hear Gloria say good night ladies. Good night Gloria and Isabella but its morning. We all chuckled. The laughter is what woke up our little one. Sam got up and warmed up her bottle and fed her when she returned, burped her and changed her. We were able to finally nod off close to four.
The following morning, they allowed us to sleep in. They told us they would watch Juliet so we could sleep. We didn't disagree..I don't think it was more than ten minutes and Jane was out before me.
I am not all that surprised that Jane reacted the way she did about my death. I nod off after kissing Jane on her cheek.
-Gloria you took their phones too?.Yes, these poor girls have gone through enough they don't need someone calling them.
Jane's phone rings and.it says Korsak.
- Hello this is Gloria one of Jane's employees, may I help you? Is this the Gloria O'Reilly that is no longer a fugitive. i looked into you two when I returned. You work for Paddy. Mr. Korsak what can I do for you. Please tell Jane I am sorry for slapping her. I never hit a woman before. I think this is something you should tell her yourself. She is asleep right now..Korsak if you ever hurt one of my gals again, I will fly to the states and handle you myself and you know I am quite capable. Gloria I called to apologize not to be threaten but understand. I am in the dog house with my team and my wife as it is. Good you should be. Is there anything else? No than good bye. GLORIA YOU NUTS THREATENING A SGT IN THE STATES. NO I AM NOT BUT NO ONE HITS MY JANIE. HE'S LUCKY I WASN'T THERE OR I WOULD SERIOUSLY HURT HIM. GLORIA CALM DOWN YOU GOING TO RAISE YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. I UNDERSTAND YOUR FEELINGS. ONCE PADDY FINDS OUT, KORSAK WILL GET A VISIT FOR HIS ACTIONS WE BOTH KNOW IT. LET PADDY DEAL WITH BABE. Let's take Juliet out by the water.
Jane and I wake up and see them by the water with Juliet. They even took our cells from the room. Babe it probably was Gloria. You know how protective she is of us. She probably didn't want anyone upsetting ua anymore.
I look at my cell and see its korsak and whomever spoke to him for awhile. I call Korsak.
-What you call to get more angry at me? No. Jane didn't the ex fugitive tell you? Vince what are you talking about? I know about your Nanny and wife. Oh okay. Why did you call.. I called to say I am truly sorry. Vince are you calling me because Kiki is making you and the others are mad at you for slapping me? Sorta. Vince when you are sincere call me back otherwise don't.
I hung up on Korsak and Sam just held.me
and didn't say a word.
The gals came in with our daughter. They could tell I was upset and I was holding my cell.
Jane and Sam this week its a no cell phone usage. Give me your cells or I will take them. You are suppose to be relaxing not stressing over phone calls. If its real important they will call your landline and I had all calls transferred to ours.
We hand Gloria our cells..We feel like little kids but to them we are the kids.
Now let's go into town and get us a nice steak for dinner.

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