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Elemental Forms

Five of BoBoiBoy's Elemental Forms (from Left to Right): Wind, Earth, Fire, Leaf, and Lightning

Elemental Forms are an ability from the result of Elemental Split or Elemental Transformation. It is BoBoiBoy's signature power.


Elemental Forms are what results after the user transforms or splits into different elements. These Elemental Forms change the user's appearance, by either tinting their outfit or completely changing their wardrobe. There are currently currently two confirmed Elemental Tiers, First Tier (also known as Base Forms) and Second Tier (also known as Evolved Forms) . Only seen and used by BoBoiBoy, Elemental Forms can also use Elemental Fusion into Fusion Forms.

Elemental Forms originate as a power from Power Spheres, though it was indicated that all the elements had come from their own single Power Sphere, though for whatever reason, all that power was funneled into Ochobot.

Exclusive to only BoBoiBoy, while all the Elements are essentially BoBoiBoy, the Elements seem to be fragments of his persona, all representing a different part of his personality. As a result, the Elements tend to act differently than BoBoiBoy does, depending on what personality they are influenced from.


There are three known users of Elemental Forms.

BoBoiBoy - Uses all seven elements.

Retak'ka (Formerly) - Seen using five elements, absorbed four from BoBoiBoy and one from Hang Kasa.

Hang Kasa (Formerly) - Only seen using the Crystal Element.


Base Forms

The basic elemental forms for BoBoiBoy. Each form has its own unique skills and abilities, as well a Second Tier form (as referred to in BoBoiBoy Galaxy). They also have their own unique personality, often corresponding to their elemental abilities and BoBoiBoy's own personality.

In the Original Series, BoBoiBoy gained all base Elemental Forms except for Light and Leaf, (whose second-tier form exists in only the movie) by certain aspects of his personality and emotions. By the events of BoBoiBoy Galaxy, it was implied that when the watch was upgraded at unknown point, the watch was somehow reset. As a result, all except the original three Elemental Forms were lost. However, in later episodes, BoBoiBoy started regaining the lost elemental forms. Elemental Forms in Galaxy were mostly attained through the Power Band adapting to the different environments, though occasionally they can be gained through adapting emotions.

BoBoiBoy Lightning (BoBoiBoy Petir)

Thematic Color: Orange (Original Series), Yellow (Galaxy)

Personality Traits:

Original Series: Short-Tempered, Serious, Wrathful

Galaxy: Serious, Loner-esque, Fierce

First Appearance:

Original Series: Season 1, Episode 2

Galaxy: Season 1, Episode 1

Second Tier Form: BoBoiBoy Thunderstorm

BoBoiBoy Wind (BoBoiBoy Angin)

Thematic Color: Yellow (Original Series), Blue (Galaxy)

Personality Traits: Cheerful, Playful, Carefree

First Appearance:

Original Series: Season 1, Episode 2

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