Just in the start

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So as we said before I am going to talk about Once Upon A Time . I'm new in this stuff so please be kind and don't judge. - KillyPopcorns

Was I the only one to think that the last episode was amazing? We were waiting for so long for these episode that I think it was the better way to continue the season.
And did you see Captain Swan? Emma and Killian are soooo close now they're so cute. And Emma saying that Hook is an hero was so perfect. There's no other word to describe that moment.
I am so sad because of Belle, she's suffering too much. Rumple had been an asshole this season, how did he have the courage to email Belle. If I was just an OUAT fan I would hate Rumple, but I am oncer and no matter what he do I still love him, what is really weird by the way.
I love the new "relationship" between Belle and Killian they're two adorable cupcakes that were blind by love.
I miss Outlaw Queen so much :(((( I hate see Regina sad. On the other hand, I like to see Emma and Regina together (as friends) and when they are bonding is really nice. I love the part of the why yellow. And the line "I am a queen, I'm a little more refined" is really cool.
Have I forgot to mention the pissed off Snow White ? That talk about ripping Cruella and Ursula's hearts was really scary. What does Snow and Charming don't want Emma to know? Well I think we'll discover that in the next episode.
I'm really scared with these part of the season. That thing about Emma being the heart with more dark potential is not a god thing.
Well I think we just have to wait and see.

I hope you enjoy :) - KillyPopcorns

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