Chapter One: The Mishap in the Hallway

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  • Dedicated to My Cousins

Chapter One

Once, not very long ago, there lived two sisters who were best friends. They were best friends because they rarely ever fought - mainly because they had the same interests. The oldest one, being twenty-five, was named Jade Richardson. She liked many outdoor activities - such as fencing and archery. She also liked drawing and writing stories about knights and medieval times and such. Her sister, who was twenty-one, was named Brooke Richardson. She enjoyed fencing like her sister, writing, and spending time in nature; she also kept a steady journal.

Both girls were living in a six story apartment building in Cambridge. However, they were Americans by birth. Their father, when they were very little, moved to England to help fight in the war. And after that their father had bought a small cottage out in Cambridge. They wanted to be close to their father since they rarely ever saw him when they were younger, so they were renting an apartment.

Who also lived in the apartment building, who are very important to this story, were two siblings: a brother and a sister. Their names were Edmund and Lucy Pevensie. Edmund was the older one at twenty-six, and Lucy was the younger one at twenty-three. In fact, in another place, the Pevensies and Richardsons had met - they were much younger at the time. (Jade was only eighteen and Brooke fourteen.) And when I say 'another place', I don't mean another town or another country or even another planet! I mean a whole new world! And this world is actually what this story is all about.

And another thing you ought to know is this: There was a boy visiting the Pevensies (who were actually his cousins) named Eustace Scrubb. You may have heard of him before? Something truly spectacular had happened over the holiday to him. He, too, had gotten into the other universe - except he had gotten in with his cousins at a different time then Jade and Brooke and never met them. This trip which happened over the hols, had changed Scrubb into a different nicer person. But this had all happened several years ago.

Now I shall skip to the present where the formally mentioned sisters:

The two sisters were carrying heavy grocery bags from which they had previously bought at the store. They were filled to the top with food items. Both girls had two bags each. The bags were so full and tall that neither girl could hardly see what was in front of them! They kept on walking 'blindly'.

When the girls were almost half-way down the hall (they couldn't see this of course) someone had opened their apartment door and quickly turned around, fumbling with the lock. She didn't, however, see Jade and Brooke coming down the hall. Soon all three collided and the sisters dropped their grocery bags all over the hallway floor!

The person who had opened the apartment door, who was actually Lucy Pevensie, placed a hand over their mouth in shock and gasped. Jade and Brooke stood there a moment, processing what had just happened.

"I'm so sorry!" Apologized Lucy.

"No, no! It's my entire fault!" Brooke insisted. Lucy stooped down to help pick up the fallen items. Brooke soon joined in followed my her sister. About a minute passed and soon the food items had been retrieved to their original bags. Lucy stood up with a smile and apologized once again:

"I really am sorry!"

"There's no need to be," Jade said with a grin.

"By the way, I'm Lucy Pevensie," Lucy greeted. "And thanks for being a sport about it!" Though it was a bit late for a hello.

"You're welcome; and thanks for the help," said Brooke. "I'm Brooke, and this is my older sister: Jade,"

"Hullo!" Waved Jade.

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