Chapter Two: The Strange Book

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Chapter Two

The Strange Book

Brooke soon awoke with the warm sunshine seeping through the small square window next to her bed. She stretched and yawned. Looking down at herself she realized that she was still wearing her outfit from the previous night. Brooke sighed as she stood up from the bed and walked tired my to the foot of her bed where she small rectangle dresser was. From the middle drawer she took a very becoming light blue cotton-dress and flats to match. Once her outfit was gathered she entered into the bathroom which had a shower - but no bath - a toilet and sink. It was a very small room. Locking the door Brooke started to undress. After doing so she turned the handle on the shower which made hot water pour from the shower-head. Her shower lasted about fifteen minutes. And while this was going on Jade had awoken from her slumber but was still lying in bed.

Brooke came out of the shower and soon stripped towels from the handle on the sliding shower-door. She dried herself off then put in the cotton dress and flats. Once that was over with she brushed her long wet hair, pulled it into a pony-tail, and was satisfied. She exited the bathroom door moments after checking herself for any rips or tears on her outfit. She, not knowing that Jade had awoken minutes ago, tip-toed across the room to her bed. Brooke was going out of the room and downstairs where they were serving fresh hot breakfast. As she quietly opened the door as to not 'awaken' her sister, she was about to close it when she saw a note which was hung from the opposite side of the door. It read:

Dear Brooke and Jade,

Thanks for the lovely evening. We hope to have you over soon!

Edmund, Lucy & Eustace

Once she was done read the little note, she heard a lazy groan from inside the room. She shut the door and walked over to her sisters bed.

"Look Jade!" Brooke said shaking her sister slightly.

"Wh-What is it?" Replied the tired Jade.

"Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace left us a note!" She quickly read it aloud. By now Jade was more awake than she had been moments ago. After the note was read, she said,

"Brooke, wasn't it a darling little event last night?"

"Yes, I loved it!"

"I hope we get to see them again very soon."

"Oh, we will," Brooke said mysteriously.

"Why do you say that?"

"Well," began Brooke, "last night I left my good silver wristwatch, the one father gave me, at their apartment. They're sure to return it!"

Jade and Brooke soon burst out giggling but were soon interrupted by a knock at the door. Brooke got up to answer it. When she did she saw the kind smiling face of Lucy Pevensie.

"Oh, hullo Lucy!" Greeted Jade with a smile.

"Good morning, Jade!" Lucy smiled and embraced her friend. Brooke soon joined the merry group when she heard Jade say Lucy's name.

"Hullo Lucy!"

"Hullo Brooke," the friend's embraced in a friendly hug.

"What can we do for you?" Asked Jade who was trying not to somewhat laugh. She glanced at her sister.

"Well," began Lucy, "you see, someone left this wristwatch at our apartment last night. It might be Jill's," she showed it to the girls and Brooke recognized it; "but I thought I might show it to your first!"

"That's mine!" Exclaimed Brooke with a smile. "Thank you. I was just telling Jade that I left my watch behind. I was searching for it this morning!"

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