Tarzan war cry

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🌺 Leonessa 🌺

The greasy, cheesy and wonderful piece of pizza was coming closer and closer.

My mouth watered as I thought about all the flavour that was about to burst on my tongue.

All the other pieces of food with faces imprinted on them were singing songs that I couldn't be bothered to remember.

I was just about to bite into the pizza when I felt something poking me on my head.

I groaned as the delicious pizza disappeared from my vision and the food wonderland along with it.

I ignored whatever was poking me and desperately tried to go back to my amazing dream of food.

Whoever's poking me was very persistant and it was starting to get very annoying.

"Ugh, just give me one more week." I groaned out as I shifted into a more comfotable position on my back.

The poking stopped and I sighed out in relief, ready to fall back asleep again.

But I was stopped when a Tarzan war cry broke through the silence of my room.

Followed by the wind being knocked out of my lungs by none other than Flynn Rider.

"TODAY'S THE DAY LEONESSA! WE'RE GOING TO PARIS SO WAKE YO ASS UP!" He acreamed into my face whilst frantically shaking my shoulders.

"Bitch I'm up, I'm up. Stop shaking me before I kick you where the sun don't shine." I warned as I rubbed my face.

"Not a morning person are we bumblebee." A certain voice teased.

"Oh shut up Bleach. It's 4:30 in the damn morning. It shouldn't even be considered morning since it's as dark as my soul outside." I said glaring at my clock and then at him.

He only laughed at my misery and dragged the over hyper Flynn out of my room.

I couldn't help but sob on the inside as my warm feet came in contact with the cold, tiled floor.

(This is why I sleep with socks on💀👀)

It took a lot of pep talks with my inner voice but I finally put on the blazer that matched with my outfit and hooked the leash on Juju's collar.

I walked through the door with my suitcase in one hand and Juju's leash in the other.

We're gonna stay in Paris for a few days after the show for a mini vacation, because I think my hardworking ass deserves it and I guess I have to bring my brothers with me.

And who says dogs can't go on vacation too.

Everyone was ready and standing in the living room, probably waiting for me.

I mean you can't be a fashion designer and not be fashionably late.

"Do you really have to wear...that?" Blake asked as he glared at my clothes.

"Look Bleach, just because you can't pull off this shade of blue or any blue for that matter, doesn't mean I can't. And don't be a hypocrite when it comes to slightly revealing clothes." I replied as I looked at the five undone buttons on his shirt.

He groaned in defeat and I smirked in victory, but it was short lived when Hayden pointed something out.

"Is that a...tattoo?" He asked as his eyes were glued on the ink beneath my collarbone.

Everyone's eyes snapped up to me in shock.

"Yes, I have two actually. I got them when I was 12." I said confidently and pointed to the one on my abdomen.

LeonessaWhere stories live. Discover now