❇️🔸 Nightmares 🔸❇️

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🔹Bonus Scene 🔹

♟️ Dominic ♟️


It was all so blurry but yet everything was clear.

The memory that had worked it's way into my head in my sleeping state was so clear.

I turned my head to look at my father who was laughing at one of the dad jokes he made, but no matter how much he laughed, no matter how much he would force a smile onto his face, he still looked so...tired.

And yet I laughed with him, the bliss of ignorance taking over my mind. My mind that has yet to realise that this is a dream, a memory...

A Nightmare.

The car suddenly stopped as dad complained about something being wrong with the back tire.

He was climbing out of the car but I wanted to stop him, the feeling of anxiety biting at my stomach as it caused my heart to beat faster.

Something didn't feel right and my gut instincts never lied.

It all happened so fast, too fast. The sudden sound of a rifle breaking into the dead of night. The brightness of a car's headlights blinding me for a few seconds as it sped away passed us.

The sound of a body falling to the ground.

I was out the car in lightning speed and was instantly met with dad groaning in pain, on the ground, in his own pool of blood. I tried to keep pressure on all the wounds but there were too many.

He grabbed my hand, the warmth it once held starting to fade away second after second. He smiled at me even when their was a trail of blood escaping his mouth as it ran down his chin that trembled slightly.

"I love you Nicky, with all my heart and soul. Don't give up, even if you're tired, don't give up. You have so much potential and I am so very proud to call you my son. Look after your brothers with everything you have and find your sister for me, ok?" He stated as he gripped my hand harder with whatever amount of strenght he had left.

He closed his eyes but still held a smile on his face as his hand started to go limp in mine. He mumbled something under his breath so softly but I still heard it, loud and clear.

"Sto venendo da te, mio Fiume."
(I'm coming to you, my River.)

River Serrendo, my mother's name.

Just as he finished the last word, his smile dropped from his face as his head rolled to the side. I cried silently as I gently rested my head on his shoulder.

I still held his hand even if the coldness of it burned, hoping that the warmth of my own would bring some of it's heat back.

It didn't, and it never will.

I was suddenly thrown back from my fathers body as I tumbled harshly backwards. When I finally stopped moving, I was on my back with harsh, white LED lightbulbs burning my eyes.

My body stood up on it's own and it sprinted down the sickly creme hallways. It was as if I was in autopilot, having no idea where I was going nor why.

This never happened before, where am I going?

Something felt wrong. It felt like there was something harmed, something that was very valuable to me. What could it be?

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