186 - The Interview

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2 years later
February 2018

Today, Shaira and Louis were having an interview. The squad has been talking about in the internet lately. There's many questions that fans has been trying to ask them and they think it's finally time to answer it so they agreed to this interview even though they're not complete.

"You ready luv?" Louis asked Shaira while waiting at the dressing room. Shaira nodded but you could totally see the nervousness on her face.

Louis immediately came closer to Shaira and comforted her to calm her down. "It's okay luv. Just be yourself. We will be okay yeah?" Shaira smiled at him.

And they were on cue. Shaira and Louis was glad it was a recorded interview. The interviewer—Cara came inside and greeted the two with a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Cara." She extended her hand to shake hands with Louis and Shaira. The both of them smiled at Cara and shooked her hand back.

"Good to see you luv." Louis added. "So should we start?" Cara asked. Shaira took a deep sigh and looked at Louis signaling that it's all good.

The first few minutes are going well until the intense questions are finally coming to them to answer truthfully.

"These next questions were from the fans and were dying to get answered by you." Cara stated. Louis and Shaira both nodded.

"The first question is Are you still friends with Charlotte Daniels?"

Louis looked at Shaira telling her she should answer that instead.

"Y-Yes. We do." Shaira said. "Way back 2016, you answered one of your fans telling everyone that Charlotte distant herself from all of you after the announcement of her and Niall's break up, Right?" Cara added.

"Uh huh. It was true. During that time, out of nowhere Charlotte suddenly moved out. Few months after their break up, we noticed that Char was slowly pushing everyone away to the point we don't see her hanging out with us often anymore. There were times she would join us at a party but then she wasn't enjoying at all. We tried to understand her since we knew where it was all coming from plus it was awkward for her and Niall being in the same room."

"That was right. It was actually hard for us to handle the situation to be honest. We don't want—We didn't picked sides instead we tried to balance it. It was even hard for us to get Niall and Char in one room. Those two were stubborns and both of their prides are totally high." Louis added.

Cara nodded. "Did you guys tried saving the relationship? Since you all knew how to handle it and it happened before?" She asked.

"We did. We did our best to the point it was getting out of hand anymore. We'll be honest with everyone, there were even times where there's a physical fight between the two and it was way too hard for us to stop them both." Shaira explained.

"May we know the reasons? If that's okay with you." Cara carefully and respectfully asked.

"We can't actually tell the reasons behind the break up since they both settled and promised they won't tell it to the public until they're both ready but for me I think the physical fights weren't intentional and it was all accidents since both of them weren't thinking straight and both hurt." Shaira replied. She looked at Louis asking for help.

"Most of the time Niall's the one with the anger temper and would literally destroy everything that he sees. Charlotte is a soft person and would just cry it out and then she's okay again but when it's getting too much she would explode too and yeah that's it."

"Is there a third parties that had happened? I remember there were pictures that was spread on the internet where Niall and a mystery girl were on each other."

Louis and Shaira both awkwardly smiled and nervously laughed at the questions. "I-I don't know how to answer that but the pictures wasn't supposed to spread in that way. It only made the situation worse that time."

The interview continues until Cara asked "It's been 2 years, And you all recently moved in to another huge house, Is Charlotte moved back with you or still remained gone?"

"Uhhh. We're happy to tell everyone because I'm sure everyone's been waiting for this, Yes. Charlotte has moved back with us. She's been back since October 2017 but we chose to kept it for a while untill everything was settled."

"And by the mean of settled was?" Cara asked.

"Obviously it was awkward and there was still a tension between the ex-lovers so we all made sure that before we tell everyone Char's back with us, Niall and her are in good terms and good friends at least." Louis answered instead.

"Although it was also awkward for us since Charlotte distant herself from us we made it through plus Maya, Gigi and Eleanor also moved in with us so it was fun."

"Niall and Char are both happy. They're both growing individually and enjoying their lives." Shaira added.

And they answered few more questions until they wrapped it.

That's how Charlotte and Niall faced their lives in separate ways for 2 years. Niall continued to enjoy being single and partying with the boys while Charlotte did her best to make up the times she was gone with the girls.

Will Niall and Charlotte get back together? or will they continue remain being friends?

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