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Lights flashed in their utmost shine as music on full blast could be heard from all corners of the place. People could be heard chattering over the volume or dancing their night away. But on a specific occasion, a young man known as Antony Valencia, a wealthy, young heir who seemed to be in his early t20s swayed from left to right, unable to keep balance. It led to a moment where he was about to collapse after stepping on his own feet if it weren't for the aid of his longtime friend, Kenneth.

"Damn, why'd you have to drink so much?" A sigh left Kenneth's lips as he placed an arm under Antony's arm and over his shoulder, supporting his weight to make sure he doesn't collapse with face first on the ground.

It was one of those typical nights where they would hang out around clubs and bars to escape from the expectations that their families have for them. It was the only time where they could act like normal boys on a Sunday night instead of acting all proper and noble like how everyone expects of them.

"Jusss shuddap!" Antony released a series of slurred words; his mind was in haze and clearly blurred. His actions and expressions made it seemed like he is ready to hit the hay for a lifetime if not for the secure hold that Kenneth has on him.

They were nearing the exit of the said club, waiting for the chauffeur which was supposed to arrive any moment now and bring them back home. Knowing the fact that nothing good happens in staying outside late at night in such a vulnerable condition, as well as keeping in mind their identity.

"How about we go again next week? Same time, same place?" Kenneth urged, looking over at Antony who seemed to nod despite his condition.

"Young Master!" A distant voice suddenly called out which belonged to a servant who was in his late 50s. As if on cue, the servant helped Kenneth in placing Antony in the vehicle which was probably sent by his mother.

With an exhausted sigh, they managed to get him seated on his respective seat, strapping his seatbelt on for precaution.

The servant lightly patted his suit, clean of dust before facing Kenneth.

"Thank you, Young Master Kenneth. We'll take him home now." The servant lowered his head in respect as he spoke, giving the other man a genuine smile, which Kenneth gave a smile as well in return.

"It was no problem, sir. My chauffeur has been waiting for me for quite some time now, I have to go." Kenneth spoke as he glanced at the left side of the area, gazing over at the vehicle whom was waiting for him.

The servant caught a glimpse of the vehicle which belonged to his family and gave a curt nod. He watched as the man walked off in silence. He then gazed back at the man seated in the vehicle, his light snores audible despite the night's ambience.

"When will he ever stop..." an exhausted sigh left the old servant's lips as he mumbled underneath his breath. His voice was hoarse and low, yet was audible enough to be heard by the chauffeur, as he gazed over at them from the rear-view mirror in the vehicle.

"Not anytime soon, I suppose. The young master is still in the prime of his age, its normal for wealthy masters to enjoy like in these kinds of places." A small laugh escaped from the chauffeur's thin lips as he spoke, in an attempt to lighten the mood in which he failed.

The old servant merely gazed over at his wrinkled, gloved hands before gazing over to his Young Master whom has drifted off to sleep the moment his arse laid comfortably on the vehicle's seat.

It didn't take long until they arrived at a villa near the city. The villa where the servant and the chauffeur worked for, and the villa where their young master lives. The engine slowly died down as the chauffeur shuts down the engine, turning the keys in a counterclockwise manner. With slow and gentle effort, they managed to support their young master's weight and hoisted him over with his arms on the servant's shoulders. With much effort although, the maids of the villa hurdled around and helped the servants to carry him back to his room and prepare a warm bath to sobber him up.

"Again?" The voice of an elderly spoke, she seemed to be in her late 30s as it seemed. She comfortably sat on the sofa in the grand living room of the villa, a hot cup of tea firmly in her grasp. She displayed the expression of pure disappointment, yet she expected it.

The old servant bowed in respect after managing to get the young master in the care of his maids.

"Yes, Madame. We couldn't retaliate against his wishes." The servant humbly replied to the woman's words, a frown evident on his face. "We dare not force the Young Master." He continued.

The servant straightened his posture despite his old age after speaking. It took quite a few moments until the woman, known as Christine Valencia, head of the household and the mother of Antony and Angelica, released an exasperated sigh and waved her hand in a gesture that ushered the servant to leave.

The servant understood the action and nodded, humbly giving another bow of respect before leaving to continue on with his pending tasks. Christine gazed upon her tea cup which was half empty before placing it back down on the glass table. It wasn't long until another woman, as young as her early 20s sat on the space beside her.

"What's wrong, Mom? Is something bothering you?" she questioned, her expression sincere with concern. The woman was none other than Christine's youngest daughter, Angelica Valencia.

Christine gave a tired smile and shook her head. "The usual, your Brother coming home late, the stench of alcohol irritates my nose." She sighed for the nth time, her tone filled with defeat and hopelessness.

Her daughter held both of her mother's hands with hers, making Christine look onto her eyes in question.

"Mom, the only issue is that Brother is too carefree to care about anything. You know he likes to mingle with girls, break hearts and drink the night away with Kenneth. But trust me, one day he will realize how love truly works. Wherein love will allow him to learn about responsibility." Angelica smiled brightly and filled with utmost optimism. Despite the fact that Christine seemed to be in a hopeless situation of being unable to control her wild son, she somehow managed to flash smile filled with warmth towards her bright daughter.

"I guess so, Angelica." Christine replied to her daughter after a brief moment.

"But going back on the subject at hand, however. We really need to do something about him, he will soon run the company after Dad retires. We can't just let him continue in indulging on his temporary desires when he begins to uptake responsibility." Angelica pointed out in a tone of urgency; her expression transitioned from optimism into concern.

And that time is sooner than they expected.

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