Chapter 6: Search and... Rescue?

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Later that evening, the herd settled down for the night as Peaches was consoling a shivering Julian by the fire while looking nasty to her parents

That night, everyone was sleeping in the holes that were in the cliff side

Noa was staring at the asteroid that glowed in the night sky as Kai woke up to see Noa staring at the asteroid

"Noa?... why are you still up?" Kai yawned as Noa bolted her head

"Oh, I was just thinking... what if we fail to stop the asteroid? What if we really don't make it?" Noa asked

"Hey, come on. We're not gonna fail and we WILL stop that space rock" Kai soothed as Noa's eyes began to close

Kai held Noa in his embrace as they both slept peacefully for the night


The next morning, Noa woke up with a start when she heard Buck's voice, she yawned as Kai woke up and both got up

"All right, mammals. Time to get moving. Now let's not linger on this, but yes... I read the tablet wrong. The asteroid is a lot closer" Buck said as he spotted red feathers and dinosaur footprints in the snow

"Uh, oh" Buck muttered

"Wait a second. Where's Granny? Granny? Oh, Granny?" Sid called for Granny as Buck got all nervous

"Maybe she wandered off?" Manny asked

"Maybe she got hit in the head with a puck?" Peaches sneered as Buck couldn't take it anymore

"Yes! And maybe she was abducted by homicidal 30-foot dino-birds seeking revenge on me. All good theories. I'm going to go with the puck" Buck panicked as a red feather fluttered near his head and grabbed it in a hurry and attempted to hide it by stuffing it in his mouth

"I knew it! So this whole time we've been chased by giant dino-birds?" Diego snapped

"Oh, only three! I didn't want to damage morale" Buck replied

"Right. Because before this, we were on a carefree pleasure cruise" Manny replied

"Oh, this couldn't get any worse" Kai groaned

"Keep it together, sweetie" Noa assured her boyfriend

"Wait a second" Diego spoke up as he sniffed the air

"I've got her scent. Come on!" Diego added as he and Shira ran on this trail while the herd followed close

They arrived at a cliff as they were overlooking a smoke filled valley with a volcano on the horizon

The herd looked in amazement at the magnificent sight of the last asteroid

"Mammals, we've made it! The crash site. This must be what's left of the previous asteroid" Buck announced

Uh, Buck? Your space rocks!" Eddie exclaimed as the bag with the magnetic rocks flew off the cliff and flew straight to the surface of the asteroid

"We could definitely divert the asteroid with a magnet that size! I mean that thing is enormous. It's massive, it's-" Buck started when Manny spoke up

"Going to be impossible to get off the ground" Manny finished

"It's entirely possible. In a way that we don't know about yet" Buck replied

"But what about the dino-birds?" Eddie asked in concern

"And what about Granny?" Sid asked as he was worried for his grandmother

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