Chapter 10: Proposal

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Authors note: Hey Ice Age fans! The last chapter was officially the end of the movie, but with Kai trying to propose to Noa, I just couldn't end it here! So This is my own personal ending, hope you enjoy!


Two weeks have passed since Peaches and Julian's wedding and everything went back to normal pretty quickly

One day, Noa and Kai were chasing each other through the woods as they laughed

"I'm gonna get you!" Kai laughed

"You bet!" Noa giggled

As they ran, they ran pass by Manny, Diego, Min, Sid and Brooke as Kai tripped over and fell on Noa as they both fell down to the ground while laughing

"Oh, dear! Are you ok?" Brooke asked as she and Sid helped them up

"Yeah, hehe, we're fine" Noa replied

"I just tripped, don't worry" Kai added as they heard Buck calling for Noa

"Noa! I wanted to properly introduce you to my little poochie-woochie, she really seems to like you a lot"

"Do you mean Bronwyn?" Noa called back

"You're starting to get it" Buck replied as Noa smiled while shrugging

"Alright, I'm coming" Noa replied as she walked to the place where Buck was with the dino-birds and the little pumpkin

"Ah! There you are, lass. Would you like to hold her?" Buck asked as Noa looked at the dino-birds who shrugged and nodded

"Yeah, sure" Noa replied as Buck handed her his pumpkin over

"Ooh. What a sweet little girl" Noa cooed as she pretended that the pumpkin was a real baby and didn't wanted to hurt the weasel's feelings

"Aww! She likes you" Buck cooed

"Say, why don't you hold Bronwyn for a moment and then I'll go get some breakfast" Noa suggested as she handed the pumpkin over to the father dino-bird known as Gavin

"Breakfast?" Gavin asked

"At noon?" The skinny one asked known as Roger while Noa gulped

"Oh! Y-yeah, I always have breakfast twice" Noa chuckled nervously as she hurried away

"Having breakfast twice? She has a good appetite" Buck smiled

"Well. I heard that Kai was going to propose to Noa" the fat one said known as Gertie

"Really?! That's just amazing!" The skinny one replied happily

"He will make an excellent husband" Buck smiled as the dino father nodded

Meanwhile, Kai was alone as he practiced his proposition for Noa

"Where do I begin?" Kai thought as he stared at the open when he heard a voice behavior him


He bolted around to see Noa standing there

"Relax, it's just me" Noa chuckled

"Oh, hehe, hi!" Kai giggled nervously as he then smiled deviously

"Just you wait" Kai smirked as he chased Noa while Noa ran away while laughing

They ran until they arrived at the same cherry blossom forest where they had their very first kiss and this place was much more beautiful at day

"Remember this place, Kai?" Noa asked

"Yes, here we had our first kiss" Kai smiled as they both stood on a hill with a blossom tree while the blossoms flew around on a gentle breeze

"Noa, how long have we known each other" Kai asked

"1 year or 2... and those years with you, has been the best start of my new life" Noa replied

Kai took a deep breath and then exhaled, this was the perfect place, the perfect time and the perfect moment to ask Noa THE question

"It may get better" Kai said as Noa looked at him in confusion

"What?" Noa asked

Kai stood in front of her as he took her hand and looked at her

"Noa. I- I had this on my mind for a long time, but I guess I didn't had the courage to ask you and I'm really sorry about that, because you deserve more than this" Kai said as he then got on one knee

"Noa. I love you so much and you know that, you mean everything to me and you are who I want to be with for the rest of my life, you mean more than the whole ice age itself... so, Noa... will you do the honor of being my wife?" Kai proposed as he opened the oyster with the ring in it

Noa gasped as she looked at Kai for a moment and then she started to cry of joy

"Oh, Kai! I thought you'd never ask!" Noa cried happily as she tackled Kai

Noa and Kai sat upright as Kai wrapped his arms around Noa's waist and Noa wrapped her arms around Kai's shoulder

Meanwhile. Min, Buck and the dino-birds saw the whole thing from the forest as they smiled warmly at the couple

"He did it!" Min said

"That sucker finally proposed to her!" Gavin replied

"Well, I wish them all the luck of the world... and I already know that they'll be a great husband and wife... and that one day, that they're gonna be great parents" Buck smiled

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Isn't it too early to think about that?" Roger asked as Min nodded in agreement

"Come on, we're gonna tell them" Gertie said as they all rushed to the herd and pack to tell them the news

Noa and Kai lied under the tree as they cuddled and kissed

Their love was stronger than anything and not even the universe could change that

To be continued...

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