chapter thirteen

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Freddie had tried to contact Gwen so many times, he had called her, texted her, even waited nearby her house to catch her but to no avail he couldn't seem to talk to her. He hadn't seen much of Cook since the incident but the whole group had pretty much found out what happened that night. With the new found information of Effy, Freddie had been thinking about her too... a lot.

Freddie lay on his back in his bed as he looked at the ceiling, he sighed heavily, placing his pillow over his head as he yelled into it.

"Seems practical." Someone spoke as he jumped, removing the pillow as Effy stood in his room.

"Effy?" Freddie questioned before looking away. "I don't think you should be here."

"I know but I needed to talk to you." Effy sighed. "I'm sorry."

Freddie scoffed. "Do you even know what you're apologising for?"

"Yes." Effy rolled her eyes. "I didn't mean for my... feelings to get in the way of you and Gwen."

Freddie sighed. "It's fine. I know we can't help who we like."

"Freddie?" Effy called, sitting next to the boy.

"Effy you need to go now." Freddie challenged. "Before we do anything we regret."

"We?" Effy scoffed. "Freddie I've come here to apologise not sleep with you!" The girl stood up in disgust as she walked towards the door.


"I came over because I was genuinely sorry but you're acting like a dick." Effy expressed as her voice cracked.

Freddie sighed as he stood up. "I'm sorry - I'm just... so confused." He began as he voiced faltered too.

"So is everyone." Effy sniffed. Freddie nodded understandingly as he embraced her.

"I know." He mumbled into her hair, pulling away slightly. "Is it true? Everything Cook said?"

Effy sighed. "Now isn't the time to do this."

"Just tell me." Freddie pushed holding onto her shoulders, the two deep in eye contact. Effy nodded her head reluctantly as Freddie smiled, leaning in ever so closer.

"Freds." Effy muttered as he shut her up with a sweet kiss. Effy pulled away, her body in shock as she just processed what had happened, her eyes flickered to his lips once more as they both hungrily found each other.


One thing led to another and now both were laying naked, under the covers next to one another, panting hard as they caught their breath. There was a silence but a different type, the guilt of Effy sleeping with her best friend's boyfriend and the guilt of Freddie cheating on his girlfriend ate them whole. Was it worth it?

Effy was the first to move as she sat up slowly, looking over at Freddie, her eyes full of water.

"Don't." Freddie stressed as he too sat up. "You wanted it as much as me."

"Freddie - I love you." Effy blurted. "I always have."

"No - Effy that's a lie - if you loved me you wouldn't have slept with Cook to start with." Freddie sighed as he got out of bed, sliding his joggers on.

"You just fucked me - but I'm pretty sure you still have feelings for Gwen. Does that mean you don't love her?" Effy expressed.

"Effy, please." Freddie cautioned. "I need to speak to Gwen." Effy stood up, butt naked as she walked over to Freddie. "Effy." He faltered, his voice croaking as he took a step back, Effy edging closer until she backed him on to the wall.

"Tell me you don't like me." She whispered.


"Say it!" She yelled.

"Effy I... JJ!" Freddie shouted, JJ stood by the door way as he dropped his phone, smashing it into pieces as his mouth swung wide open.

"JJ!" Effy screamed, covering herself as she grabbed the nearest item of clothing off the floor. JJ made no efforts to move or even stop staring as he gaped upon the scene.

"JJ!" Freddie bellowed, knocking him out of his trance as JJ blushed, covering his eyes. "Go to the shed, I'll be there soon." Freddie instructed as JJ solemnly nodded his head, turning around to leave.


Freddie promised Effy that JJ wouldn't say anything and the three of them would keep it between each other. With no further discussion, Effy left the house. Freddie entered the shed as JJ stood from the sofa.

"You slept with her best friend?" JJ scoffed. "What is wrong with you?" Freddie said nothing as he sat on the couch, taking out a spliff as he lit it. "Look at you, sat in your stupid fucking chair, you're so full of yourself. After all this time I thought Cook was the evil one but even he has loyalties." JJ yelled. "Effy is bad news - she fucked us up, Cook and now Gwen." JJ spat as he watched Freddie blow out a cloud of smoke.

"JJ." Freddie finally spoke up. "I know I fucked up, but you can't tell her, not yet."

"I CAN'T TELL HER - THAT'S YOUR BIGGEST WORRY?" JJ exploded as he ran up to Freddie, grabbing his shirt in his fist. Freddie didn't fight back, he knew he wasn't in any danger.

"It'll ruin her right now, to know I slept with Effy while the whole argument was about her." Freddie shared. "When the time is right I'll tell her, I promise. I'm sorry JJ." Freddie began to tear up.

"Why are you crying? You cheated not her." JJ laughed maniacally.

"Because I still love her."

"Well - she'll be the best thing you ever had." JJ scolded as he let go of Freddie, straightening him out. "I'm sorry I lost my temper but I just don't know if I can see you the same."


"I won't say anything but for her sake not yours. Enjoy your spliff." JJ barked as he left the shed, slamming the door in the process. Freddie sank lower in his seat if that was even possible. Fuck.

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