chapter seventeen

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The day was slowly coming to an end as the trio became very tired, yet they were able to relax as they received a call from Emily telling them Katie was awake and she was coming home tomorrow. Cook had previously fallen asleep on Will's sofa but was currently grabbing a glass of water as Will and Gwen were on the bed. Gwen listened to the light snores of Will as she chuckled at his open mouth and dribble. She sat up quietly, doing her best not to wake him up as she tip-toed towards the door, closing it gently. She managed to navigate herself downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Gwen?" Cook jumped at the sight of her as he stood by the sink, glass in hand.

"Hey." She smiled, sitting on the kitchen counter beside him.

"This house is fucking nuts, how has he never mentioned this before?" Cook cackled.

"I don't know." Gwen faked a smile. Cook able to defer the fake from real, sighed as he placed his cup in the sink, sauntering towards her as he stood in between her legs.

"Are you okay?" He gently spoke, his hands lightly resting on her thighs.

Gwen shrugged. "I think so."

"It only goes up from here." Cook sympathetically smiled as he placed a hand under her chin. The only sounds that was heard within that moment were the light breaths of one another besides the faint hooting of a nearby owl. Cook flickered his eyes between the girls lips and eyes.  "Gwen..."

"I'm going to go for a cigarette." She suddenly shared, hopping off the counter as she made her way towards the lounge. "Coming?"

Cook smiled once more. "Nah, I think I'll head to bed." He parted with a few words. Gwen let out a sharp breath as the boy made his way upstairs. She knew she had just hurt him and that was the last thing she had wanted to do.

Making her way into lounge, she slid open the glass doors, stepping out into the breeze. The soft wind made her shudder as she was only wearing a small sleeveless top, she rubbed her arms before taking out a cigarette and lighting it. Will really did live the life, the sky was crystal-clear, showing a range of constellations and the moon shone dimly, reflecting in her eyes. She fluttered her eyes close, but only for a split second as she finally relaxed.

"Can't sleep?" Gwen jumped as she turned around to see Jackie leaning upon the glass door.

"Oh shit - sorry." Gwen panicked as she threw her cigarette on the floor.

"No, don't be." Jackie smirked as she took out a spliff from her silk robe, moving to stand next to Gwen. "I have trouble sleeping most nights." Jackie expressed as she lit her zoot. "Earlier - when you walked in; I was wondering if you were Wilfred's girlfriend."

Gwen smiled. "Oh no, we're just-"

"Friends." Jackie nodded. "I know that now. I myself sometimes get confused with the different types of love but I know true friendship when I see it."

"Will's a great friend to have, you must be proud of him." Gwen awkwardly chuckled.

"Yes, but the thing is, Will hardly ever tells me anything - he's so... closed off." Jackie sighed.

"He did keep his house a secret." Gwen muttered to herself. "But I wouldn't say he's a closed book."

"That would be because you are friends, it's almost like he's ashamed of me sometimes." Jackie sadly smiled as she offered the spliff to Gwen. "But then again - who finds their mum cool?" She laughed.

Gwen scoffed. "Are you kidding me, you're fucking wicked." Jackie grinned. "My mum would never allow me to smoke, she thinks everything's a danger."

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