The Photo Album

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I left the next day with a loud bang. I had arrived in Ginny's room, and no one else seemed to be inside the house so I went down stairs and saw something I recognized but didn't at the same time. It was a book of sorts. There was a note on the top.


I am sorry I have been so secretive. I have to be, one day I know you will understand... but I also understand I am no where near that day. I have done a lot of wrongs, but its the only way we wil all survive this war. You have to trust me darling... and I know how you feel... My own mother die before the end of the war... but I know that I don't know how you feel at the same time. It is hard to stay away from you girls. I have gotten a lot of things wrong, but the day that I got expelled from my first wizarding school I knew I had finally gotten something right... then I met your father.

'I know you are probably wondering why I am writing you like this. I know that you have been fighting with your sisters... and I must ask you to try and control your temper around them... especially Remmy. The last time I ever saw him, the last time I ever saw him with Sirius... we fought... We didn't talk for weeks... and when your girls fight...

'I am getting off topic. I know that you are stubborn. Just like me, I always stubborn. It was my nature. You can't give up though. You have to focus on this date... but only when you are strong enough for it. I must warn you... It's not a pretty time for any of us... and you have already seen some of it. You will feel everything. It will not be a quick vision... and if you look to early... the results could be dire.

'Don't get me wrong, a lot of good things happen on this day... but bad things happen to. It's not just on this day Ann. It will start this year. You must not trust those who frighten you. One's that bring back troma's I never wished you to experience. I was never a normal person growing up... Grandpa Lyall, you wouldn't know him, he would always say that I was 'special'. I was. But darling, you and your sisters are even more. Keep them safe Ann. Keep them all safe. It all starts this year... and your the one who has to be ready. It won't mater if Isabella can start fires in the air or if Samantha can look like anyone. You have the tools. You have the skill. You have the brain.

'Never give up fighting...

                                        Mum (Allie Black)'

I starred at the letter in shock and turned it over. Neatly the date 'May 2, 1998'.



Fred greeted me with a huge kiss and out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash. I quickly had shoved the book and letter into my bag. I had a feeling that I should look at it alone. When Fred pulled me away I hugged him. "I missed you." I whispered, I felt his breath on my head.

"How did you get here?" He asked me, I gave him a smirk and I knew I had the mischievous look in my eyes. I always did when I was about to say something like...

"If I told you I'd have to kill you." I said, but when I saw Molly's face I gave her a smile. "I'm only pulling your chain! My powers are even better now... to say the least... I still got a lot of training to do." I told them, only the Weasley's (Fred and George), Dumbledore, my sisters, mum and dad, and my uncle knew about my powers.

I looked up at Fred and gave him a soft smile, and at that he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs to their room. I could hear Mrs. Weasly's shouts from down stairs.

"She isn't sleeping in your room Fred! She will be sharing a room with Hermione and Ginny!"

Later that night, when everyone had fallen asleep I sat in Ginny's room, Hermione had yet to arrive, it was just me and her. I opened the book. In my mother's writing, which I had come quite familiar with, it clearly read. 'A page a day. Again and again. Train."

I flipped over to the next page, it was a photo of me and Fred. Taken last year simply sitting by the lake, holding hands and laughing. Underneath it read Fred Weasley. I concentrated on the name as I had in the past.

'Fred! You can't just do something like that! You know how it makes me feel!' I yelled, if I had the fire power my hands would have been ablaze.

'Do you know why I do it Rosanna! Because I love you so much!' He yelled, 'I'm scared I will lose you.'

'You don't act like it! I didn't get one letter! One! What do you think if you don't write that it's ijmpossible for me to break up with you!' I thundered, 'That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!' I had just realized why I was seeing this fight. It was at the lake. The atmosphere was different. 'Your a git Fred Weasley, you really are.' I said walking away. The me that was seeing the vision looked back and saw a tear escape from Fred's eye.

I was jolted out of the vision, there was more then one picture on the page. The next read December 25, 1980. Above was a picture of everyone from back then celebrating Christmas.

'Not here.' My dad said into my mother's ear as she tried to get at my uncle. 'Allie!'

'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU REMUS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU THINK ONE OF US IS THE TRAITOR IN THE ORDER! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD SAY SUCH THINGS IN FRONT OF MY DAUGHTERS! YOU BETTER HOPE TO GOD THAT THEY DON'T REMEMBER THIS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT MY OWN BROTHER... I stood  next to you through every rough moment of your life. I never judged you once. You were always my brother. That changes today Remus. Mum's gone. None of us would have given up their hiding place! Maybe it was you! Maybe you were the traitor!"

My mothers hands were ablaze, she threw a fire ball at him before he apparated. Once he was gone she fell to the ground crying. Sirius knelled down next to her. 'It'll be okay Allie...' He tried, she shock her head. She looked at him straight in the eye.

'No it won't.'

"Why mum?" I whispered to myself, "Why would you want me to know this?"

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now