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Faces swarmed me...

Fred, tears silently gliding down his face as he saw me fall to the ground. My eyes glazing over and my whole body relaxing in front of him. Fred running towards me and pulling my body close. Fred whispering my name over and over again choking out sobs as he did so. Fred being pulled away from my body...

Isabella screaming as my head hit the ground. Isabella crying madly at the loss of her sister... Isabella being pulled back in George's arms and away from the battle to safety. Isabella kicking and screaming.

Remus's knees giving way. Remus watching as Fred cried over my body, tears of his own gliding down his face in large droplets. Remus pulling Tonks into his arms and holding her crying. Remus chocking out sobs about how young I was.

Dad horror stricken. Dad glancing back and forth his gaze on two of his daughter... One who murdered the others. Dad unsure what to do. Dad crying and begging for my mother to come home, but there was no sign of her.

Then it all stopped.

They say, at the end of your life... That your life flashes before your eyes. They are wrong. You see the ones you love... And then there is nothing for a few moments.

Soon I found myself standing in the familiar living room of Remus's cottage. A room filled with photos of my family, of my life... A place I grew to love... And I was all alone.

I glided across the room and ran my hands over a frame of my mother. An old photo, but one none the less. I had never known her... Even though I craved to.

The front door swung open and I tore my gaze away from the picture to the door. And the figure standing in it. A woman, with red hair and blue eyes stood before me.

"Hello Rosanna, it is a pleasure to finally met you, and believe me I have waited a long time to met you." She told me sitting on the couch. Her hair curled and she seemed very familiar. Almost to familiar. It sent shivers down my spine.

"You have come very far, much farther then we originally thought." She said in a soft voice. Her eyes sparkled in a kind way, I could tell she was a good woman just from that.

"I know how frightened you must be... When I myself was eleven years old, well I suffered the same things you did. I changed." She said in even a softer changed, "and it was something that they had never seen before, the Muggles." She told me in almost a frightened way.

"I was a pure blood, my mother raised me in a muggle village... She was quite the trouble maker, and that caused her to be killed... That is when everything started. Somehow her powers transferred to me." The woman said now in a whisper. "I birthed a daughter, and she gained the powers I had and so on and so forth, each generation becoming more and more powerful until a squib was born and we thought it was all over."

She took in a deep breathe, "but it wasn't. Her granddaughter married a wizard and they had a set of twins. The daughter, well she had the powers, much more powerful then her brothers... And her daughters, even more then that.

"The prophecy, one created in my days, had finally come true. The prophecy of the three. When the oldest is killed the middle will gain the power to end the war and save the lives of those who lost."

"Who are you?" I asked her suddenly, she let out a giggle. A soft gentle giggle.

"I am the first Hope. Fiona Hope as they called me back then." She said, "I am, I am the first of us Rosanna Weasley, and it is time for you to fulfill your destiny so I can finally rest." Fiona told me, she looked to an oak door.

"But... Sam still lives and I am dead..." I said, Fiona shock her head.

"I see you never read the book." She tsked, "I had two daughters, one attempted to murder the other, but the one to cast the spell will have the reaction. She did not realize that blood protects blood."

"Does that mean..." I started, the witch interrupted me again.

"You are as alive as alive can be Rosanna, through those doors you will return to your world." Fiona said, "But be warned, this protection only works for sisters or brothers with the power. I can not state this enough, many of our kind have lost their lives because they did not listen to this warning."

I took a shaky breath, "I understand." I told her, she nodded.

"I must also allow you one question about the future, it is the rules." Fiona said, "you may ask now or give it to someone else... Or even save it for a rainy day." I was told. I nodded and she nodded to. She then stood as if she could read my mind.

"Goodbye Rosanna Weasley. We will met again one day, and when that day comes I do not know. It was an honour to met you."

"And I you." I said in a kind tone unsure what else to say. With a vibrant glow she was gone and the oak door she told me about was wide open. With a deep breath I stepped forward and went out the door, only to be surrounded in a frightening blanket of darkness once again.

I couldn't hear anything. Not a voice or a crash. I couldn't smell anything... I couldn't even breath. It felt like a heavy fat cat was sitting on my chest keeping me from taking in any sweet oxygen. I obviously couldn't see... but I also couldn't open my eyes. The only scene I had was taste. And all I could taste was the bitter flavour of blood on my tongue.

Waking Up (Sequel to Helpless Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now