Attractive and Unattractive People

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Hey guys hope you like this. I had an idea and had to write it just in case I forgot it. :) 

                                                               Chapter 1 

      It was the year 2075, it was a horrible time for everyone.  After the zombie apocalypse in 2025, 60% of humans died.  We killed all of the zombies and began to recreate our world.  It was the time of the year where they come through my town and take the attractive 18 year olds and send them to Town A, then they would send the unattractive 18 year olds to Town B.  I lived in Town B because both of my parents were unattractive.  

       My parents did not love each other at all. My dad chose her out of ten unattractive girls. It is also the time of the year where all the girls who are 18  are gathered in a straight line against a wall with numbers on their clothing.  They send the most attractive man in your town in. After about five minutes of looking at the girls he calls out the number he has chosen to be his wife.  They send the men in based on their looks.

     My parents aren't attractive at all and were forced to have me.  The government forces the newly wed couples to have one child (or more if they are attractive). If you couldn't have a child you were sent to Town C where they do the worst jobs.  I had no idea if I was attractive or not. I have never seen someone attractive because we aren't allowed to leave Town B. 

     It was the day of the "choosing" and all of the girls tried to look the best they could so they could go to Town A.  I grabbed a dark purple dress with black tights and a black cami under it with black flats.  I brushed my hair out and pulled it into a pony tail, then braided it. I looked in the  mirror.  I had straight black hair that was waist length.  I was extremely thin because Town B hardly got any food.  I had just turned 18 last month.

    I opened my door to leave not caring to say goodbye to my parents because I knew I would return to Town B.  I stepped outside, it was spring with flowers everywhere.  It was so beautiful, I wish I didn't have to go to the "choosing".  I walked through my small town seeing the mountains.

     I walked into the large building in which I had to sign in to go to the back room where people sent  from the government came and evaluated you and decided if you need to go to Town A or stay in Town B.  I went into the first room and waited behind some other girls.  

      When I reached the front desk I said "My name is Rachel Kay, daughter of RIchard and Gretchin Kay."

     "Okay, here are your papers step into the next room and wait for your name to be called." she said dryly.

      "Okay." I said and walked into the next room.

      After hours of waiting in one waiting room after another they finally took me to the actual back room. I walked in and finally started to feel sick in my stomach.  They had all these people examining these girls and sending them into two separate rooms.  There was only one girl that I saw that went in the second room.

     A lady who was extremely plump grabbed me by the arm and started touching all over my face. I assumed she was analyzing me. I wanted to say 'Hey just send me to where the ugly people are and I will save both of us some time.'  I didn't say that though.  She then had me turn around and was nodding and smiling in a weird way.  

       She said "Honey, I need you to go to that room all the way over there." she pointed and smiled.

      I replied "Okay." I felt so sick. The room I was headed towards was the second room.

     I opened the door and saw one of the prettiest faces I have ever seen smiling at me. This girl was in a green dress that looked great with her red hair.  I cannot believe I haven't seen her before.

     "Hi, I am Olivia." she said warmly.

     "I am Rachel, nice to meet you." I replied.

     "I think we are going to Town A can you believe it?" she asked excitedly.

     "No, not really." I said.

Attractive and Unattractive PeopleWhere stories live. Discover now