Town A

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    After sitting and visiting with Olivia with what felt like hours, a short bald headed man came into the room.

     "Follow me." he said in his unusually high-pitched voice.

    Olivia and I followed him out of the room and we entered the back room. It was completely empty.  They must be having the choosing.  My hands were sweaty and I was worried. 

    We followed him outside of the building and then hopped onto an empty long bus.  I sat down by the window and looked at the mountains.  I then realized I forgot to tell my parents goodbye.  I wish I would have said goodbye.  I guess I will never see them again.  They never really cared for me anyway.  They always would have me do things around the house. My mom has never told me that she loved me. 

     We were in the bus for about 1 hour when we saw another bus that had about 10 people.  There were boys in the bus as well.  I guess those people were from Town A.  I wonder what it felt like to go from Town A to Town B.  It was exciting for Olivia and I, but it was tragic for people from Town A.  I wish that we could all be equals and that I could marry whoever I want.

    We pulled up in front of a large wooden gate that was at least 50 feet tall.  The man pushed a button on the bus which cause the doors to swing open.  Olivia and I both stood up at the sight of Town A.  

     We were driving through Town A, and it was amazing.  There were bright colors everywhere.  The buildings were tall and shiny.  We pulled in front of a bright orange building, and walked in.  My knees were shaking. I couldn't believe I made it to Town A.  Time for me to meet my future husband.

    We walked up to the front desk and the person directed us silently into the next room.  Once we walked into the back room where the girls were lining up against the wall, I couldn't believe my eyes.  I had never seen so many attractive people in my life.  Olivia and I walked over to the table with a line of girls waiting to receive their numbers.

     "Are you nervous?" I asked Olivia.

    "Yes, I am extremely nervous. I think I might faint." she replied and laughed nervously.

    Olivia was next in line so she grabbed her piece of paper.  I grabbed mine and of course since Olivia and I were the last people to show up we are the last two girls.  My number was '521'.

    We helped one another pin our numbers on each other. There was this loud bell and all of the girls rushed to their spots in line.  Olivia and I ran down to our spots and held still.

    A fat lady came in with a megaphone and explained that you cannot physically touch the boy or talk to him during the "choosing" and other rules like that.  It is just based on your looks.  All of the sudden I had the greatest idea ever so I could pick who I wanted to marry. I am a genius.

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