You Gotta Love This Face

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     They announced the first boy was coming in. He was at the beginning of the line so I didn't get to see him.  After about five minutes he picked his future wife.

      "I pick number thirty-five." said the boy.  Number thirty-five squealed and they were escorted out of the room.

     After the first thirty boys came through and picked girls out of the first one hundred girls, one boy finally walked through the whole line.  He was so attractive, but I couldn't picture myself marrying him.  He was ten girls away from me so I decided to use my plan.  I made the most weird face I could and as soon as that guy saw me he started to walk in the other direction.  I did this through another fifty boys.  Olivia and I were still there after the two hundredth boy left.  I was getting tired and bored of making the duck face, the 'I've got issues face', and my ugly smile face.  The best part was the boys reactions.  Olivia would sometimes do some weird faces with me.

    They announced the number two hundred and two and a boy walked in.  I didn't get a good look at him, but he started to walk towards the back of the line. He had black hair and was about six foot tall, he was wearing a fitted suit that made him look extremely attractive.  I recognized him from Town B. How is that possible? He stopped in front of me, and I recognized him immediatly.  His name was Adam Jones, he was in my freshmen year of highschool.  He was sent to Town A early because he was so attractive.  I never thought I would see him again.  Olivia obviously recognized him as well even though she wasn't in our class.  

     "Hello Rachel."  he said warmly

     "Hello Adam." I replied.  He smiled and walked away. He walked over to the microphone.

     "Number five hundred twenty-one." he said warmly. I was shocked so much that Olivia had to shake my arm for me to move. I started walking over to Adam as he extended his arm as if he wanted to hold my hand.  I was hesitant at first, but I grabbed his hand anyway.  The guards led us into another room. 

      "Well, I haven't seen you in a while." Adam said.

      "Same for you.  What was it like it to be in Town A so early?" I asked as we walked.

      "Amazing. I received many opportunities.  I went to work with President Jack Davidson for several years. I am going to become the next president." he said like it wasn't a big deal.

      "Why were you number two hundred and two then? I would have thought the soon to be president would be the first to choose his bride."  I replied.  The guards took us to a room with several different couples in it. We sat on a couch together.

      "Well, I wasn't going to pick a bride until I heard that two girls from Town B made it here. I then rushed here and made it just in time to be number two hundred and two.  Once I saw you I was thrilled and shocked no one had picked you yet." Adam replied.

       "Thank you." I said while blushing.  Olivia walked in with her soon to be husband (who was extremely attractive). Right then a guard came in and had us all follow him.  He then sent all the boys into one room and all of the girls in the other room.  I followed the large group of girls staying right next to Olivia.

       Olivia and I walked in to the room and both of our jaws dropped as we took everything in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2013 ⏰

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