choir room chaos

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burt and kurt walked in to mckinley high school as told and we're greeted by becky.
becky called them several slurs and then told burt to kys.

they walked to the choir room and looked at the clock it was 1:59 "one more minute" kurt said "until sexy fun time with finn and carole😅😅😅😅😅" kurt got a boner just thinking  about it
burt noticed and whispered "why don't we get some warmups in eh?🤪🤪🤪🤪" kurt gulped and got on his knees.

the next minute finn and carole walked in, both in leather suits with chains and muzzles and whips. burt bit his lip so hard it started bleeding.
"lemme fix that for you" finn said🥵🥵🥵☹️🤥😣😣😑😑😑
burt stepped closer and finn began sucking on his bloody lips
"purrrrrr😩" carole moaned she then glanced at kurt.
today they were switching things up and kurt was ready.
he walked up to carole and sucked her momma milkers just like finn did when he was a baby🍼🍼🤭🤭🤭😰😰😰😰
"goo goo ga ga" said kurt🤯 to fit the mood
"oh hell nah- u know what u keep doing that twink" carole said
all of sudden burt looked around and saw a figure watching through the window😰😰😰😰😓😓😓😓🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

HUMMELSON LOVE - BURT X KURT X CAROLE X FINNWhere stories live. Discover now