mr shue joins the fun

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"MR SHUE" everyone said
"why hello there everyone" the evil man said with a grin
everyone was #shook🤯🤯🤯🤯
"mind if i join the fun😈😈😈" he said manically
"oh hell nah" said burt
burt whipped out his massive horse cock and proceeded to slap mr shue across the face with it
"purrrr ok" said carole
"that's how it's done mamas😩🥵" said burt
mr shue winced in pain bc burts dick was so big it hurt so bad😰😰😰 he curled up into a ball on the ground and began rapping through the pain
kurt then pointed his little pp and pissed on mr shues face
"ouuuuu" said mr shue👅👅
"wtf" said finn "imma head out"
the hummelsons left the sick diabolical man laying on the choir room floor covered in kurt hummels piss😇

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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HUMMELSON LOVE - BURT X KURT X CAROLE X FINNWhere stories live. Discover now