a girl with little clout on all socials ends up drunk texting the tiktok ear her friends have been crushing on for years, but truly she never saw anything in him. waking up the next morning and realizing her mistake could either have the perfect end...
"i got pink whitney, trulys and grey goose" val says walking into my apartment building. "sara and ellie will be here soon" i tell her "ellie? really?" she whines "the two of you can tolerate each other for one night." "yeah maybe if one of us stops breathing" "val, enough" she rolls her eyes and sets the brown bags on our kitchen table. "i need to change my shirt" i quickly run upstairs taking off my sweatshirt and putting on a pink bandeau top paring it with black jeans and boots. "bri they're here" val yells from downstairs. i put on a few rings then go back down.
"hey" sara says hugging me then ellie does the same. "i brought pizza and chicken fingers" ellie says. "perfect, i layed out a few movie options on the coffee table, you guys chose i'm good with whatever" i tell them. ellie and sara both head into the living room leaving Valerie and i. "it's been two minutes and i already can't stand her" "she has said one sentence val, relax" we grab the alcohol and head into the living room. "how about grownups" ellie asks. "we watched that la-" "yeah let's do it" i cut Valerie off.
ellie puts the disk in and the four of us sit around the coffee table downing the alcohol that val had bought. "did everyone eat, no one drink on an empty stomach" i remind them only a few slices of pizza we're gone along with chicken fingers. "yes mother" val says while giving me one of her bright smiles. i was known as the mom of this group, or any group we really go out with. drinking is fun and all but so is not throwing up the next morning! yay!
"look at this fine ass man" sara shows us her phone, it was a tiktok of this guy with a bunch of tattoos and dirty blonde hair he was skateboarding in the video with a few other friends. "that's vinnie right? i've followed him for a few months isn't he gorgeous" val coos "he skates and you guys fall in love, get over yourselves" i laugh "you're telling me you don't find him hot?" ellie asks "no he's attractive but a guy like that definitely thinks he's better than everyone else" i tell them "so quick to judge ugh" val sighs and falls deeper into the couch. "i'm not judging him, i was just saying he probably like every other guy" "only he's insanely hot" "oh my god" i groan and take a few sips from the pink whitney bottle. "slow down bri we still have all night, let's take pics"
from selfies to group pics we got them all, i only posted a pic of me i took because i didn't really like how i looked in the others. i posted it on my instagram and put my phone down.
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liked by valsmith and 102,937 others. briellewrightt: howdy🐸
comments ellierose: SO HOT BAE ↳ briellewrightt: i love u
valsmith: go bestie go🙌🏻 ↳ briellewrightt: lover
charlie_antaby: 🔥🔥
sara.lancaster: you're the cutest ↳ briellewrightt: says u