Prologue ♦ The Letter

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Dear Parents,

As you all know, the castle in which Hogwarts has resided for almost the last two thousand years was destroyed during the war. It will take some to rebuild what was destroyed. From my calculations, it may take the entirety of the next school year. That is why I am sending the students to a school in America run by a dear friend of mine. The school's name is "The Salvatore School For The Young & Gifted". Now, I must warn you that this school consists of more than just witches and wizards. Vampires and werewolves go there as well, but the school helps the vampires learn to control their urges. So do the werewolves. I will understand if you would like to send your child or children to a different school. Whatever may be your decision, please send an owl back with it. Please and thank you.

Headmistress of Hogwarts,

Professor MInerva McGonagall

McGonagall finally sent out the last letter. She sighed, it took too long to do.

It was true, about the school. One of a kind. A school for more than just one kind. Truly extraordinary. McGonagall admired how those few people banded together to help teach all those kids control of the urges that they normally wouldn't. However, she would understand if the parents wouldn't like to send their kids there. She only hoped that they would send their kids there and help them learn that you can't judge someone based on their race.

*A Week Later*

McGonagall had received many refusal letters over the week. Some howlers were mixed in there, but she did receive acceptance letters as well. Those parents that accepted this "exchange program" were understanding. Surprisingly, the Malfoy's accepted this. McGonagall thought that they would be the most enraged by this idea. No, it was the complete opposite.

About a handful of families accepted. Including the Weasley's (that's obvious), Granger, Potter, Lovegood, Parkinson, Zabini, Malfoy, and a few other families. Again, McGonagall was surprised that quite a couple of Slytherin families accepted this idea. She was happy, though. Those families had been showing more kindness since the end of the war. Progress, that's what they're showing. Just like the vampires and werewolves at The Salvatore School.

McGonagall was truly happy.  

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