Why do i exist anymore

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Hit-The-Target looked through the door for a bit longer and ran down the stairs. He ran into Stampy's land until he ran out of hunger.

But why would Squashy cheat on Stampy for?! She gains absolutely nothing- but the same goes for Stampy. Does Stampy even know that she's cheating on him?

Maybe Squashy found out about Stampy cheating on her and wanted to get revenge. Hit-The-Target ate a pork chop and continued to run- this time having a place he wanted to go.

He approached the cat's house once again. Hit-The-Target slowly and quietly opened the door. The fresh cold air hit his face as he entered the house.

Hit-The-Target traced the wall- finding his way through the darkness. After bumping into many chests; he finally found the cat's room. He quietly busted into Stampy's room.

The cat was asleep- perhaps unaware of his lover cheating on him. Hit-The-Target approached the bed and violently shake Stampy awake.

"What what what what?" Stampy said; rubbing his eyes and stretching.

Stampy got up and stretched his limbs and tail- letting out a huge yawn. He got off the bed and faced the person who awoke him.

"Hit-The-Target?!" Stampy said- a bit shocked, "what are you doing here?!"

The villain signaled Stampy to follow him and ran out his bedroom door. Stampy let out a sigh and ran after the individual.

The house was dark- so even Stampy bumped into one or two chests. After finally making it out his house he met his lover outside. He continued to run after Hit-The-Target through his town.

"Where are we going?" Stampy yelled to Hit-The-Target- who was well far ahead of him.

Hit-The-Target paid no attention to the cat and continued to run- exiting the town. Stampy slowed down to eat some bread and catch up with Hit the target.

Once he finally caught up with
Hit-The-Target; he stopped him. They were at the bottom of the steps. The villain placed a sign in front of Stampy.

"Don't go any further; their voices will be muted and they'll know you're near"

"Who is 'they' anyway?!" Stampy said- getting a bit agitated; he was awaken suddenly.

Hit-The-Target broke the sign and placed it. It took a minute or two before the sign had its text. Hit-The-Target let out a sigh and revealed the sign to Stampy.

"It's Squashy and Beaverdash"

Stampy let out an audible gasp. He was obviously a bit mad. His girlfriend was cheating on him. Stampy let out a sigh; but it was more calm. The moans from the castle were becoming audible.

The villain suddenly grabbed Stampy's hand and ran towards the castle. The moans were suddenly muted.

"Hit-The-Target what are you doing we'll get caught!" Stampy said; panicking.

They were still at the bottom of the step- just closer to the point were their voices muted; allowing them to know that Stampy was close by.

Hit-The-Target threw Stampy on the ground climbed onto to him. He gently kissed the cat's lips as he gave into it. Stampy didn't even bother to fight back; he does love the man.

The villain slowly unbuckled his belt and he laid the cat flat on the grass. He lifted down his boxers and grabbed his dick. Even though the cat was dry- it didn't matter; this was kind of revenge.

Hit-The-Target slid into Stampy slowly- in order to make sure he didn't hurt him. He only slowly thrusted into the cat. Once he made sure his lover was comfortable; he began to increase the speed of his thrusts.

Stampy let out moan after every thrust. The cat understood what Hit-The-Target was trying to do- and he followed. His moans were very vocal; making sure Squashy and Beaverdash could heat each and every note.

The villain thrusted a bit deeper; finally hitting his prostate. Once he finally did; Stampy reached for something to grab onto- but he could find anything. He grabbed Hit-The-Target shoulders from behind.

With every thrust; Stampy moaned into Hit-The-Target's ear. The cat was clinging hard onto his lover. His tail was wagging but not that much- Stampy couldn't even focus on anything else at this point.

Hit-The-Target was well passed Stampy's prostate. His moans were very vocal; he's never been this loud before. The cat's eyelids started to get heavy.
Hit-The-Target grabbed onto the grass as he thrust faster.

"Hi-it-The-Target I'm gonna- nghh~," Stampy tried to say but was struggling.

Stampy was using every little bit of his strength to prevent himself from coming- but failed. He ended up coming all himself and Hit-The-Target.

The cat let out a guilty whimper; obviously pissed off at the fact he was too weak to keep it in. But- Hit-The-Target did not punish Stampy, he just continued.

Suddenly-  the villain unloaded his cum into the cat. Hit-The-Target tried to catch his breath; this was the first time they've done it in two nights.

Their breathing slowed down- this all happened so suddenly. Then there were footsteps, from the steps. The two immediately sat up but realized they didn't need to.

Instead of getting up, they shared a tender kiss and laid back down. As the footsteps got louder; they got more intense.

Once the footsteps finally stopped they slowed down and parted. They felt eyes upon them and looked towards the direction of the steps.

There was Squashy, she was poorly dressed in leather armor. She looked quite disgusted at them and continued to run off.

Stampy and Hit-The-Target got up and fixed themselves. Slipping into their clothes and cleaning themselves. Stampy was having a bit of a hard time walking.

Hit-The-Target came in aid for Stampy; helping him walk to his bed- which was a long walk from here. The moon was starting to set and the sun started to rise.

The villain got tired of the slow walking of Stampy and deciding to carry him. Soon enough; they finally reached the bedroom, not bumping into any chests on the way there.

He laid the cat in the bed; who fell asleep on the way there. His legs were shaking but he was still asleep. Hit-The-Target left the bedroom and towards his castle.

But by the time Hit-The-Target arrived back home:

His castle was completely gone.

Hit-The-Target is Shane Dawson because he's fucking a cat-
Okay I'll keep my mouth shut🙇🏽‍♂️

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