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Hit-The-Target sneaked into the house of Stampy; finding his way towards the bedroom.

It was just night and everyone was sound asleep. Henry and Hilda was silent along with everyone else. No one knew Hit-The-Target was sneaking around.

Finally; Hit-The-Target found the bedroom of Stampy. Stampy was awake surprisingly; looking at the signs above his bed; slowly falling asleep.

Every light was out; the only light was moon. Hit-The-Target hid in the doorway but peeking towards the tired cat. The final time he peeked at Stampy; he suddenly looked towards him.

It stunned Hit-The-Target; he decided to tiptoe his way toward the bed of Stampy. He sat next to Stampy as the he yawned.

Hit-The-Target placed a sign and started to type on it.

"Not sleepy once again?" The sign said.

"No, I've been dealing with insomnia lately," Stampy said; yawning once again.

Hit-The-Target broke the sign and placed it once again; and started to type.

"You know we can't continue; your helpers will find out soon" The sign said.

"Don't worry this will be the last time we'll meet up," Stampy said confidently.

Hit-The-Target once again broke the sign and place it down again; typing on it.

"Since this will be our last time; don't keep your quiet voice- be as vocal as you want,"

Hit-The-Target leaned in to kiss the man; pinning him down to the bed. The bed creaked a bit as the two started to make-out. Hit-The-Target's right hand held the face of Stampy as his left stroke the cat's chest and down to his lower end.

Completely on top of him; Hit-The-Target started to stroke Stampy's dick. Whenever the two parted for air, Stampy let out a soft breath. However the breaks were short because Hit-The-Target would consensually force Stampy to kiss him once again.

The cat's lips were irresistible; no wonder Squashy was dating him. Hit-The-Target stroked Stampy faster than he has ever before; this was their last time meeting up like this. Stampy gripped Hit-The-Target's shoulder; starting to let out moan after moan.

"Hit-The-Target I'm gonna come," Stampy whispered; worried Lee would hear.

Hit-The-Target slowed down on his stroke; the cat grunting in disappointment. The sad look on Stampy pleased Hit-The-Target.

"Please Hit-The-Target," Stampy begged quietly, "Please?"

Hit-The-Target continued to stroke slowly; torturing Stampy to death.

"God dammit please!" Stampy said in a normal voice.

Stampy covered his mouth and shot his eyes toward the painting; a worried look on his face. Hit-The-Target fasten his pace, stroking much faster. Stampy closed his eyes and his moans became much louder, despite his hands covering his mouth.

Soon enough; the cat's semen covered Hit-The-Target's hand. Releasing a sigh of relief; Stampy only moved his hands away from his mouth just a bit. Unfortunately; Hit-The-Target got tired of his voice being muffled and grabbed Stampy's hands and pinned them on top of him.

Hit-The-Target lifted the cat's leg up and settling it on his shoulder. He unbuckled his belt and slipped his pants revealing his dick. Hit-The-Target slowly inserted his dick into the cat; seeing Stampy grunt as he slowly adjusts to the feeling of it without any water or milk.

He started to thrust into Stampy slowly; also allowing himself get adjusted to the feeling. Without anything to soften up Stampy, it felt tight. Hit-The-Target went a bit deeper; but not very deep because Stampy's prostate isn't that deep surprisingly.

Hit-The-Target approached the prostate but didn't quite get there. Stampy knew Hit-The-Target was purposely not going all the way in. But Stampy would have to settle with what he has.

Hit-The-Target thrusted into Stampy at a natural pace. Each thrust; Stampy let out a moan and somehow it didn't sound like a box of hiccups. Saliva started to form in Stampy's mouth.

Hit-The-Target released Stampy's hand and held onto his neck. Stampy gripped the bedsheets still moaning. Hit-The-Target stopped for a second and went deeper; now at his prostate. He started to thrust slowly; rubbing Stampy's prostate.

Once Hit-The-Target started to go at normal pace; Stampy was holding back moans; turning into heavy breaths.

"We-ha- shouldn't be doing this," Stampy said, "not this- ngh~- late at-gh~- night,"

Hit-The-Target broke the sign and placed it; typing on it.

"You're more worried about us than Squashy and Beaverdash" The sign said.

Suddenly; Hit-The-Target went deeper into the orange cat. It took Stampy by surprise because it rubbed against Stampy's prostate so much that Stampy let out a little too loud moan.

It brought a smirk onto Hit-The-Target. He continued to thrust and rub against Stampy's prostate. Stampy continued to let out moan after moan; forgetting about the other residents that live with him.

Hit-The-Target started to slowdown; getting tired. Soon enough he completely stopped and collapsed on top of Stampy.

"Hit-The-Target?" Stampy said; calling out to the fallen man.

Stampy started to shake Hit-The-Target; trying to awake him. Today Squashy was going to join him early today.

"Hit-The-Target wake up!" Stampy said; still trying to awake him.

Hit-The-Target was heavier than Stampy so the cat couldn't push him off. Stampy started to hit the man.

"Wake up we can't be seen like this!" Stampy said; a worried look both traced his face and his voice.


The sun started to rise and Hit-The-Target still hasn't awaken. Stampy awoke from his sleep and so did Hit-The-Target.

"Cmon you have to go!" Stampy said; pushing Hit-The-Target off of him.

Hit-The-Target removed himself from Stampy and pulled up his pants and buckled his belt up. He gave Stampy a kiss with tongue. Going down his neck and leaving a hickey on him. He broke his sign and rushed out the house.

Stampy's tail waved a bit and he cleaned himself up. He rubbed the hickey and sat up off his bed. He let out a sigh and waddle to the corner of his room. Ready to record another video like nothing ever happened.

Alright alright this will be my last fanfic before I take a break from social media

I was really excited to write this short story (1101 word story)

Alright goodbye ^_^

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