Meep says hi (Rough character background)

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There is something about Meep that strikes most people,and the most Skaven of from the moment they first see Meep. He is a Stormvermin of the Skaven clan Mors.

He is part of the Elite Stormvermin Crimson Guard, the Red Guard. He is big and strong, lean and slick. He often stands alone and seems to be watching and listening from any sudden noises. He is often watching his surroundings. Unlike most Skaven however he does not seem nervous. He seems to always being on a fully understanding the situation he is in.

He is not afraid to die. He would welcome it with open paws but he is making sure everyone knows that he ain't going down without a proper fight.

He loves the rush of a fight and he lives to breath the danger. It makes him feel alive. While he is not addicted to the act of killing itself he is addicted to the rush of the mission, and to the danger.

He was born of Clan Eshin, and because of his fast reflexes he manages to survive in the ranks to become a Gutter Runner. However he had such fire within him that in his training to become a Death Runner he was sent to kill Queek Headtaker himself. Meep however was the kind of Skaven who would make sure to know his enemy before hand and more he learned from Queek the more he respected him.

Meep shared the same fire as Queek had burning inside him and even before the Eshin sending Meep on the mission he showed heavy signs of unnatural characteristics for a Skaven. He had somewhat of a stupid mockery of a self valuation and he felt something other rats would describe as pride of himself and on his name. That in itse was just a typical Skaven behavior, however Meep was the kind of Skaven who would first promise something and then stick by his word.

It was the most alien thing among the Skaven to keep their promises. A typical Skaven often went there where it was easiest and fastest but Meep seemed to take great pleasure in doing things the hard way. He loved to challenge himself and press his body harder into the mere perfection. Meep was relatively young Skaven when was in the end basically kicked of from the Clan Eshin and basically sent to the suicide Mission when he was told to ambush and fight Queek. The Eshin was sure he would fail.

Meep knew too many secrets of the Clan Eshin and Lord Gnawdwell had again asked for someone to take on Queek to keep Queek on his toes.

However the time Meep was supposed to attack Queek the Headtaker was not home. Meep soon found himself fighting to Ska Bloodtail instead.

Queek only returned to his home burrow to see Ska and Meep clash into one other. Queek was amused by the fact that unlike the other Eshin he had seen fight Meep seemed to try to fight relatively fairly and open, not hiding and stabbing from the behind. Meep saw Ska as a challenge. Having taught sneaking by Eshin assassins themselves Meep was a master on it. But still loved the challenge.

Meep only realized he had bit more he could chew when Ska Bloodtail, the Fangleader of the Queek Headtaker had first hit him with the halberd to the shoulder and Meep trying to block the attack with his bare hands.. and Ska then hitting Meep to the head and pinning Meep finally to the ground.

It was rare thing to anyone even try to block of Ska, even rarer to someone to withstand the attack and lived. Queek himself had been the one who had told Ska to stop and halt from dealing the finishing blow over the wounded Meep. Mostly The Headtaker had wanted to fight Meep himself. However a situation had changed when the cursed Order of the Grey Seers had appearently sent Queek a note via a runner and Queek soon was using the runner as a target practice. Ska, the dimwitted and slow Skaven had not forgotten Meep. Ska saw Meep as a potential tool he could use.

Ska asked Queek if Meep could be trained as a stormvermin and Meep soon was part of Queek's personal bodyguard. Meep was fierce warrior and Ska would often send him on a solo scout missions. While Queek hated all of the sneaky rats of the Clan Eshin Ska knew Meep would be use however.

That is why while Meep is an elite Stormvermin of the Clan Mors he also is a fully trained Gutter Runner and Death Runner trainee. He is a true weird Skaven. He feels the calmest and most relaxed while on the open and having something to do.. and something to fight.
He is the imagine of the calmness and he seems in drugged state of calmness while in danger.. Some whispers that he is mad, but none dares to press on it and try their luck on how long Meep stays calm.

Meep has been trained by A Murderlord himself to not know fear, or if he does he hides it well. If one would ask Meep how this can be Meep would tell them that there are far worse things than death and far more grim faiths than getting killed. Meep often then is said to whisper something on the ears of the person asking the question and those Skaven have been reported to vent musk of fear for days. Some reports claim some of the Skaven have become complete useless for rest of their lives after asking Meep what is worse than death. Simply rendered into fear by Meep's answers alone.

Meep is said to be mad and evil rat, and that his cruelty and his twisted mind is only second to the Headtaker himself. That is why even Ska Bloodtail respects him. Ska is a huge Skaven who could crush Meep but Meep still keeps living. Maybe a borrowed time since the Clan Eshin is not so keen on having someone with so much knowledge on things directly under The Headtaker being alive.

Meep often sleeps on the feet of the Headtaker next to Ska Bloodtail. He sleeps like he always does.. One eye open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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