Chapter 2- Present Tense

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    "Don't worry they probably just aren't used to seeing such smart people, this is your first math class with them you know."
     London is always very optimistic I guess that's why I made such a good pathway for myself through the whirling scene of high school.But the most interesting thing is nobody said anything to after they all gawked at me for the rest of the period, not even a 'hey nerd great job on your algebra test'.
    "So what snarky comments did they leave you with?" London eyed me suspiciously.
    "Actually none."
    "Ah, so they're finally starting to apritiate us."
    "Nice one London."
    "Um serious Larimy."
    "Well no offense but I'm pretty sure that you are entirely wrong, actually I think I see Carter String coming over right now."
    "Really where?" London piped making sure her hair was sitting right. London has had a huge crush on Carter since eighth grade after her and her first boyfriend broke up.
    "Hey um..."
    "Try Larimy," actually I kinda find that offensive.
    "Larimy ......"
    "Haven, you sure do leave a lot of blanks to make me fill," definatley not a lie.
    "Well Miss Larimy Haven I just wanted to say you sure are pretty-"
    "Pretty lame I know Carter, I'm not new to this you know."
    "Actually I was going to say pretty smart," this is the point where I roll my eyes and get ready for a snobby comment about me being a nerd," I was wondering if you would tutor me in math and some other things like everything else."
    "Um...I don't know I'm pretty swamped with homework and projects and stuff,"
    "Really Haven, really? Bad excuse how about your phone number?"
    "Oh how flattering, well I guess I could give you my number and I could tutor you a couple days a week, what an honor."
    "Okay then," Carter said with a small wink.
    So I gave him my number and we agreed to meet at the school library tommorow after after his football practice for a "tutoring sesion".
    "He is so hot!" London oblined.
     "Right because I'm just so lucky to spend an hour with the dumbest, jerkiest guy in school!"
    "Don't forget hottest, and don't be so negative he asked for your number!"
    "Only so he could harass me about tutoring him, not because he likes me or anything."
   "You are so negative, seriously Larimy."
   Even though she's my best (and only) friend,London really gets under my skin sometimes.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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