Broken AfterDeath

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W: Blood//trypophobia

I Am Alone.

He tries to focus his eye, it's like something is blocking his vision... when was the last time he decided to fully wake up? How long had it been? He winced, pain overwhelmed his senses. It burns, it hurts, it was unbareable. He tried to scream but they got to his throat first. He grabbed at his neck, he could feel them wiggling, eating into his bones. When was there so many of them? He felt them all over him, consuming him as if he was nothing but dead roadkill, maybe he was.

He realised why he couldn't see too well, he scratched at his eye harshly, clawing at it to get one of them out. Finally, he feels relief as it falls infront of him, one of those fucking maggots. He could feel blood sink out of where it was, dripping down to the floor. He squishes it under his hand, it's insides goes inbetween the holes in his hands.
'Disgusting' He thinks to himself, he wipes his hand on his jacket before attempting to sit himself up. His arms and spine shake under his weight, dispite how little there was left of him.

Aimlessly, he looks around, where was he again? The Save Screen? Oh! He was in the Save Screen, yes, of course, where else would he be? He looked down at himself, seeing them crawl though him.

He felt so alone yet wished he truly was. Why was he getting tortured like this? He started to sob, yet no tears fell from his sockets, that required magic and frankly, he didn't have much left.

This was the worst ending. This had to be the worst ending. Pain seemed to overtake him. Once again, he felt woozy. Was he gonna pass out again? Not again, he needed to do things.

What things?


What was he doing here?

Where even was he again?

Why was he in pain?

He fell to the floor, he could hear his skull crack on the black abyss of the floor. Something was screaming at him not to go to sleep. It was as though his subconscious knew he wasn't going to wake up. He seemed so tired though. Maybe the pain would go away if he slept? Maybe it will all go away. . . just for a few seconds. . . maybe the yelling in his skull would stop if he did.

maybe. . .

He closed his eyes, focusing on the maggots crawling through him. Where did they even come from? Sweet Asgore, it hurt. Make it stop.
Please, make it stop. Please. . .

and so, with that sad beg, it finally stopped. He fell asleep and this time, he wouldn't wake up. His suffering is truly gone. He was truly gone.

Reaper stepped through the portal, humming aimlessly. He was exploring the multiverse, maybe scaring a few versions of him every now and then. All in good fun. He found himself in darkness, it was peculiar. He hadn't seen this before. Reaper walked around, a smirk on his face, he could feel somebody was nearby but now he thought about it, the presence felt dea-

He tripped over something, something big. Reaper turned around and looked down. . . A skeleton! Wait didn't he just touch him? Why has he not dusted? How strange. He knelt down, looking at the skeleton's face, it was full of holes, what was left of his eye was closed and strangely, he looked peaceful.

"Hello? Can you hear me?" He asked, looking over him. He gagged. Were those maggots? Wait- were they eating this guy? Reaper started plucking them out, them dying in his hands. Something about him letting them be there felt wrong to him.

"Hey lil guy? You there?" Reaper lightly shook him, yet nothing happened, no reaction but also, no dusting. He shook him a little more vigorously.
"Hey bud, wake up!" He could he hold this monster? This didn't make sense.
Maybe he really was dead, maybe this skeleton just couldn't dust. Reaper felt around the left side of the others chest, trying to find a soulbeat.

It was faint, stupidly faint but the other was alive, he was actually alive, yet, something was wrong, very wrong.
This- something is wrong with his wellbeing. Something inside wasn't going to wake up. Its like he trapped himself within his own mind. He lightly lifted the skeleton up. Gripping them in his arms. There was a crack on his skull, Reaper looked at it and frowned. Pieces of their head were littered on the floor.

It seemed symbolic almost. A shattered skull. A shattered mind. He felt bad for the skeleton, hugging them closely. The poor soul was here, all alone, in the dark. He wanted to know who this was.



*HP: 0.5/1.0


*I'm sorry.

Reaper stared at the last two words for what seemed like hours. That simple phrase broke him entirely. What happened to this skeleton?

Why was he all alone?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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