Epilogue ~ 100k Special! ~

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The pink-headed beauty walked up the steps large building she is able to call hers. The receptionist gave her a bright smile, and she returned with a true smile. No arrogance, but a pure, and meaningful smile. A familiar face came into her field of vision, and she smiled at him.

He bowed his head slightly, "Good morning, Ms. Haruno."

She chuckled, "Gaara, enough with the formal tone. You know to call me Sakura."

"Got it."

Sakura and Gaara went into the elevator, and pressed the number '21,' signaling the floor her office was located.

Sakura peeked at Gaara, "Do you miss being the boss?"

He shook his head, "Not really. It's a lot of hard work, and I don't think I'm cut out for that kind of job."

"Well, you did excellent while I was away. This past month I've worked here, has made me really grateful for what I have."

The elevator doors opened, and the two walked at their own pace down the narrow hallway.

"So you're enjoying this new life, I see?"

She sighed joyfully, "Of course!"

The pinkette unlocked, and opened the door. She was welcomed to the giant window that had a full view of the city, and the sun shining through the glass.

"I have everything I could ever want," She continued, as she placed her jacket on the back of her chair, "I have a loving Mother, a nice home, a company that will forever be my Father's, and an amazing boyfri-" She stopped herself, and her bright smile turned into a sad frown.

"It's been a while, huh?" Gaara noticed.

She nodded, "It's been tough ever since Sasuke decided to go to a University in Suna. The long distance relationship worked out just fine, but I haven't talked to him in over two weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if he found a new girlfriend."

The crimson-haired man immediately frowned, "Sakura, Sasuke has been loyal to you for nearly five years now, even if those four years were just talking to each other behind a screen. You shouldn't think like that."

"But I am," She sighed, "I mean, have you seen him? Girls are probably throwing themselves at him. He's probably not a virgin anymore."

He rolled his eyes, "My goodness, have some faith."

"You're right. I shouldn't be talking to you about my relationship problems. You are my assistant, after all." She smiled.

As much as Sakura hated to admit it, she knew her smile was false. Sasuke has never left her mind for even a second. Their relationship isn't in the best condition. After Sakura decided to go to a local college for four years, Sasuke wanted to go too. She soon realized colleges were reaching out to him to attend, and she told him his education is more important. Sasuke decided to go to Suna, but promised he would always contact Sakura every day. And he did. That is, until two weeks ago. Sakura became the head of Haruno Web Industries just a month ago. She expected he'd come back to Konoha to see her, but he hasn't.

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