Chapter 32: Strange Thoughts

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Dedicated to: Unicorns_say_rawr ~ I seriously remember when you were the first person EVER to send me a PM about my story, 'Left Untouched,' and you've been sticking with my stories ever since I started, so this chapter is dedicated to you! :)

Sasuke's POV

"I can't go to school today." I panic right as I walked into the kitchen.

Itachi stands there, sipping his tea. He sets his tea cup down and blinks at me.

"I'm sick." I blink back.

"You're full of shit. You never get sick."

I blink again, knowing I am defeated.

"Get your ass to school now." He smirks, and picks up his tea cup.

As I walk back to my room to get ready, I mumble a very 'lovely' word, hoping he didn't hear what I said.

"I heard that." Itachi says.

I growl lowly, and go through my usual morning routine.


I pull into the student parking area, and dread today. It's bad enough Sakura's in the same building as me, but now I have to deal with her in first period as well. I hate my life.

I get out of my car and put my keys in my pocket. I already see my friends waiting for me, but I'm not in the mood to talk to them. Even though friends are supposed to help each other through the toughest of times, I know it'd be a stupid idea to tell them everything. For one, Neji or Shikamaru's fathers might know who Deidara is, because very wealthy men tend to hang out with each other in Konoha. I bet either Neji or Shikamaru would bring up the whole Deidara and Sakura topic, and their fathers will be snitches and say something.

Reason number two is the fact that Naruto likes Sakura. It's obvious. Even though Sakura didn't hang out with my friends much while we were dating, I could see that look of jealousy in Naruto's eyes everytime I even looked at Sakura. If Naruto finds out about Deidara, he will probably do something illogical and try to kick Deidara's ass. Now that I think about it, Naruto could probably take him. . .

Reason number three, is Ino. Knowing how much she just LOVES to gossip, she will most likely bring up the topic, and things will go even more downhill then before. I'm not going to let her hurt Sakura by telling everyone about what happened, despite the fact they were friends for a day. Sakura has already gone through enough pain.

And this brings me to my final reason for not talking to my friends about everything. I don't want to. It's as simple as that. This conflict is something I and only myself should handle on my own. I'm NOT going to run to my friends and beg them to help. That's not how the world should work. I'm more independent than that.

I sigh, and walk past my beloved friends. I can already sense the look of confusion and hurt. Hey, now that word has probably gone out about Sakura and I breaking up, they may have gotten the idea that I was going to talk to them about it.

They were wrong.


Kakashi-Sensei's class has always been my favorite class, but not today. For the first time in my life, I'm actually nervous. I'm never nervous. I have a high self-confidence, but I'm feeling the opposite at this very moment.

I see pink.

She walks in.

And she doesn't look at me, but I'm staring her down. I don't want to intimidate her, but I have the feeling I am.

I hear a muffled sob as she walks by me, and all the expressionless tone in my face has turned into pure guilt and regret. I put my face in my hands, and wish that I could just scream and flip my desk. I hate knowing she's unhappy. . . because of me.

Kakashi begins lecturing for lord knows how long, but all that's on my mind is not Sakura, but Deidara. I'm worried. What if he turns this whole situation into a major plot twist? Knowing how slick and devious he is, I would expect that exact thing to happen. No. . . it wouldn't make sense. He likes Sakura, right? I know how much business Haruno Web Designs would get if an actual Haruno was involved with the company, but he didn't cause that scene a while back by the tree JUST for the money, right? It just doesn't add up. He HAS to like Sakura, otherwise all the events leading up to now wouldn't make sense. Strange. . .

"Please read pages 167-172 and we'll review afterwards." Kakashi-Sensei said, while reading his little, orange book.

I do as told, hoping my mind will be distracted. As much as I love reading about the myths of a Ninja world and all, I can't stop thinking about Sakura and Deidara. All I want to know is if Deidara actually loves Sakura.

I guess time flew by, because Kakashi all of a sudden says, "Alright! I assume you all are done reading, so now I will randomely call on some of you to answer questions."

I look up from my textbook, and sit back in my chair.

"Who shall I start with? Hmmm, ah Sakura!"

My heart clenches at her name, and I couldn't help but turn my head towards her. She sits a little ways behind me, but her pink hair isn't hard to find.

I'm still looking intensly at Sakura, when Kakashi continues talking.

"This relates to the project you and Mr. Uchiha did earlier," He began, "What was the resulting energy produced, when Physical and Spiritual energies become mixed together called?"

I keep staring at her, waiting for her to answer. This brings back memories of her and I. I know she knows the answer, but she isn't saying it. Sakura won't talk. She's just keeping her head down. A few people begin giggling, and I wish I could punch them in the face.

"Not even a guess?" He asked.

Still not a word. Kakashi-Sensei sighed.

"Help her out, Sasuke." He gestured.

I was taken aback for a second, but turned away from Sakura, and did as I was told.

"It's Chakra." I announced.

He nodded, "Perfect as always, Mr. Uchiha."

I nodded back. I couldn't resist the urge to look at Sakura again, so I snuck a glance back at her. I noticed a couple of girls scoffing at Sakura, and giggling momentarily. I also noticed the look on Sakura's face. . . Complete and utter depression.

I hate myself.


Whew! I've kept you all waiting for too long! I'm SO SO SO sorry!!!

Anyway, I got tagged to publish a book, listing 20 facts about me, so go check it out if you want to know more about my annoying self! ^-^

I hope you all enjoyed! <3

Ta Ta ;D

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