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What if Midoriya pushed Aizawa out of the way when the Nomu attacked?

Alternatively, I torture Midoriya, because I kin him, and it's my own personal form of S3lf H4rm. (There will be recovery as well).

Warnings: Blood and Angst.

Aizawa had it handled. He had it handled. He had it handled. He had it..... He did not have it handled.

Aizawa was dealing with the low level thugs left and right. He basically flew, as new attacks came left and right. Then, Shigaraki called the Nomu on him. He mentally prepared himself for a few things. 1. Pain. 2. Losing.

What he did not prepare for was the pain of seeing his son, his son, pushing out of the way, and getting slammed into the concrete of the floor of the USJ. Oh, god, the blood. He was erasing that... that things quirk, and Midoriya was still screaming. The sound of it was enough to make Aizawa's blood boil.

He launched himself at the Nomu, and his attack did nothing. It did absolutely nothing. He was batted away like a fly, rather than a human.

"Get rid of the brat, Nomu!" came Shigaraki's scratchy voice.

No! Nonononononononono. No!

Honestly, Aizawa wasn't sure if he was thinking it or saying it. The Nomu reeled back his arm, and Aizawa took his chance. He launched himself at his son, and scooped him up. Off he went towards the gates of the USJ.

"Dad...?" Of course he was awake. After being pummeled into the ground by the Nomu, Aizawa had hoped and prayed he was unconsious. He hoped that his son didn't have to be awake to feel the agony of what could only be imagined.

Aizawa didn't want to imagine.

He knew that the Nomu was holding back. He knew that if the Nomu wanted, they would both be dead. He didn't want to think about it, but that's all he could think of.

"It'll be okay. It's all going to be okay."

It took too long for Aizawa to make it to the front gates. It took too long for him to hand Midoriya over to those who were still there. Kurogiri was missing, and Aizawa didn't want that to mean that he was off killing his students. That's the only reason he could think of. He propped Midoriya up against the wall, and smiled at him.

Midoriya glanced over Aizawa's shoulder and a look of panic settled on his face. With his still good arm, he pushed Aizawa out of the way as a giant fist smashed down on Midoriya's legs. Midoriya's screams seemed to echo in Aizawa's mind. They ripped through his consciousness.

The Nomu turned to look at Aizawa. Good, that means his goal is no longer to kill Midoriya. Aizawa could work with that. He tore down the USJ as fast as he could, using his capture scarf to launch him farther.

Never had Aizawa ever been so relieved to see All Might. The rest of the fight went by in a blur. The Nomu was launched into, presumably, space. The League of Villains ran after Shigaraki was shot 7 times. (Aizawa did, in fact, count). He sighed in relief when he heard (other than Midoriya), no one was hurt too badly. Just a few bruises.

He rode in the ambulance on the way to the hospital with Midoriya, his husband and Shinsou joining Aizawa once Midoriya entered surgery. Aizawa refused to leave when visiting hours were over, and all the staff seemed to pity him too much to insist. When Midoriya was out of surgery, he had to be put in the ICU. Even with healing quirks helping, he was fragile.

It took too long for Midoriya to wake up. Aizawa shot a quick text to Hizashi, and was at his son's side. He was wearing an oxygen mask, and Aizawa wouldn't let him remove it to speak, so they just sat there until Hizashi and Shinsou showed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2021 ⏰

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