Chapter 9 - Running

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Hello, before you read this chapter, if you do, I would like to put a trigger warning for blood and graphic details of wounds. I apologize if this sets anyone off, but I would like to just warn you. Thank you for reading. 

As Jackson brushed himself off, you stuck your about out and sniffed the air.

Distant gunshots rang out through the crisp breeze.

But you didn't have time to check for predators or as that crinkly old man said, 'your hybrid friends'.

One, they aren't your friends. Two you're 
not a hybrid, you are only part wolf. Three, your head hurts like hell.

You growled. Where did your balance go? Well, wherever it is, all you knew is that you were going down.

Taking a couple of steps, you tripped over your own paws and fell to the sandy and rocky ground.

Jackson rushed over and fell onto his knees.

"What happened, was I too heavy? Or did you- Oh no. Is this blood?" Jackson whispered. You groaned and huffed. Your whole side felt like it was on fire, and your paws stung.

"Just give it a day, and I'll be fine." You grumbled. The look Jackson gave you showed that he was not impressed.

With another huff, you struggled to stand on your paws. Jackson stood up quickly.

"What are you doing?!" He yelped.

"Running a marathon. Care to join?" You asked with sarcasm dripping off of every word.

He looked at you with disapproval again. You just glared back.

After a while he sighed and looked down. "We have to get you somewhere safe, you're hurt." He caved in, looking back up to your eyes.

"Alright, come along." You started walking farther into the field. Unfortunately, your plans were cut short when dirt and small stone dug into all of the cuts already deep in your paw pads.

Another growl ripped through your throat.

"What is it?" The man asked. He was worried. You could tell because his deep brown eyes darted all around the two of you, checking all of the shrubs.

"Calm down. There is nothing here." You lied.

He sighed nervously.

"Then why do I keep hearing things?" He whispered keeping his eyes on the dark shapes moving gently in the wind.

I bent closer to the back of his head. Gently, you whispered back;

"That's because there are things everywhere." He shivered and you smirked.

"What- what kind of things?" You could tell that he was getting anxious.

"I'm just teasing. Humans are so jumpy." You laughed. He sighed in relief.

"Although, I wasn't lying. There are creatures everywhere, and not all of them are dangerous." As you padded farther into the field, clouds of glowing insects lifted from the tall grass.

"Wow..." You heard Jackson whisper behind you.

One came and landed on the tip of your snout. Little paper thin wings fluttered as the bug took flight again. You smiled. Nature is beautiful.

Unfortunately, the pain in your side and paws brought the magical moment short. Turning your head, you dug your teeth into your wound and pulled out the bullet. As you did so, a groan escaped your throat. That hurt.

Jackson walked over as you spat the bullet onto the ground.

"Did you just rip that out?" He asked. You grunted in reply as you have the wound a few licks, cleaning it.

After dealing with your side, you picked up one of your front paws. It was not pretty.

Blood was smeared all over staining the black Tufts of fur that sprouted between the pads. Jagged lines decorated the pads themselves, with a steady ooze of thick crimson fluid leaking from them.

The man next to you inhaled sharply through his teeth and you gave him a look.

"What happened?" He asked, ignoring your look.

"I cut my paws on the glass of the window. Didn't think it would be this bad. Forget about that, we need to find shelter before something worse than glowing bugs finds us." You growled. All you could think about was that hopefully all of the Razorbacks were occupied at the barrier. Hopefully. That is never a guarantee.

After giving each of your paws a few good licks, you started making your over to the forest on the far side of the field. Yes they stung, but they would heal quickly.

You heard Jackson trying to keep up with you, and you could hear the wheels in his brain turning.

"What?" You snapped.

"What? I didn't say anything?" He protested in confusion.

"You were thinking. It's annoying." You huffed. He remained silent.

So you stopped walking and spun around.

"Why did you help me?" There it is. He was wondering why someone like me would help someone like him.

"You aren't like the rest of them." Was all you said before you continued on your walk to the forest.

"Them?" Jackson asked as he tried to keep up with you yet again. "As in, the other people at the barrier? The people with guns? You think I am different from them?" God, does he ever stop talking?

"You are different. How do you think you can understand me?" You knew he was stuck. His silence said it all. After all, he seemed to never stop talking.

Uh oh. Yips and growls came from up ahead. Just beyond the tree line. Where the shadows began.

You tipped your head to see Jackson looking at the ground as he walked along beside you. He doesn't hear them. Well, he will soon enough.

"Have you seen a hybrid close up, Jackson?" You whispered. He looked up at you.

"Yes, I have. Bastards tried to kill me multiple times. Why?" He responded just as quietly.

"Well, you're about to see them again."

As if your words summoned them, you heard the sound of many paws running in your direction. Here they come.

From inside the tall grass, you could see reflective eyes peering through the tall stalks. But there was no attack. At least, not yet.

Before they could make a move, you gave a warning growl. They responded, telling you that they aren't leaving. What are they waiting for?

"Jackson! How long has it been?" A voice all too familiar to you called out from behind the both of you.

As you turned to look, a razorback pounced. It landed on your shoulder that faced away from Jackson. The hybrid tore through your dark fur and into the muscle. Teeth soon followed, also sinking into your flesh. A pissed growl erupted from your lips.

"Stupid hybrids." You growled.

Your head whipped around and your teeth sunk into the razorback's scruff. With a flick of your neck, it went flying. A line of blood followed it.

"Bitch." You hissed.

"Language, dog. Don't hurt my friends." The woman's teeth glowed in the low light as she smiled.

Jackson looked shocked.


"Hello, brother."

So that's where I'm ending for now, I gotta hop in the shower.

Hope y'all enjoyed, and two chapters of my Lexark book are up.

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