The what?

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About 2.5 hours later

"I forgot to ask what's your name?" Azura asked

"M-my names Lyra, this is ceris" Lyra replied

"W-what happened to her?" Azura asked curious

"Naeus" Lyra replied in a dark tone

It was silence for the next 30 minutes

"Welcome to the frost Bourne!" Azura said

"The what? Ya know what I'm not gonna ask" Lyra said

Azura radioed for a couple medics to come out

"What's going on az?" Stella asked

" I found a I believe ender felina she was hurt badly" azura replied

"Y-you mean Lyra?" Stella asked concerned

"Yeah, also ceris" azura began

"CERIS?! I-is she ok?! Where is she?!" Stella asked highly concerned

" I don't know Stella she's unconscious" azura said

"Bring them inside quickly" a different medic came outside saying


1 minute later

"Lyra come on follow me"

"Ok" Lyra replied hesitant about going into the infirmary

She stood up and limped into the infirmary room and she was hesitant about giving ceris to one of the medics

"Stella?? Is that you??" Lyra asked confused

"What happened to you Ly?" Stella asked treating her wounds

Lyra's face turned grim "naeus happened"


"Yeah then I fell into a thorn bush so yeah that's fun -_-"

Just then a medic came over to Lyra "ok we have some good news and bad news"

"Ok tell me"

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