✩★I can't remember★✩

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*this is a filler maybe a little draggy*

>If you would like to skip past any of the listed WARNINGS ⚠️ will be provided! When you see ✅ DONE the triggering subject is no longer mentioned!


"Ughh.." Y/n groaned.

"How do you feel?" He said placing his hand on her neck, checking the temperature of her.

"Ugh.." She replied. Rolling over facing the wall she said, "Thank you so much for helping me Peter." In a sighing voice.

"Peter? Sorry my name is Brad, Y/n" Brad replied with a confused face.

"Huh? Okay sleep well Parker" Y/n said falling to sleep.

"Um..It's Brad.." he said covering her with her covers. "Rest well, Y/n." Brad said. He gathered his things like his jacket and shoes and was on his way out. He reached the front door and took a piece of paper from the table by her door and took a pen for his trench coat pocket and wrote and letter to her for when she wakes. Then he left.




My head hurts so bad. Hangover? Possibly.

I woke in my bed with the clothes i was wearing last night. I pushed my hair pass my face and kicking the blankets from my hot body.
What happened last night?
I thought to myself. I groaned and got up to pee.

I feel awful

I thought to myself. I felt like I got hit everywhere and then body slammed after. I got up from the toilet to rome into the kitchen for some water and Advil.

As I was walking pass the front door I noticed a paper on the table.
It read:

Hey, I hope you are doing well.
I brought you in last night. Found you address by looking at your license.
Your friend Jessica wanted me to let you know she wouldn't be back until late tonight. Call me when you wake! 555-335-7590

p.s I know where you live..

Who the fuck is Brad?

Sounds like someone fucking asshole wanna be prick. Well, he was kind enough to bring me home. So, I'll give them the benefit of doubt.

So, I dialed their number.



"Hi is this Brad?" I said

"Oh hey Y/n! Glad to see your up!" Brad said peppy.

"Yeah, try to keep it down i have a awful headache. Thanks for making sure I was okay." I said pacing the halls.

"Of course! No problem. You were pretty drunk last night. Do you remember anything?" He asked

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