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AN: hey guys! I'm super excided to start with this story. I'll just write an see what comes, if you have some ideas please tell me. Maybe I can use it in the story.
Btw, English is not my first language. So sorry for my word spelling :(


As I was standing in front of the castle. My heart skipped a beat. Here was my new beginning, at Hogwarts as 'muggle studies' teacher.

"Ah, Robin Thompson. It's wonderful to see you! I've heard a lot about you, Albus always had it about you in our staff meetings. Hi, I'm Minerva McGonagall. You can call me Minerva or Minnie if you want, all the others call me that way." The lady said with a big smile on her face and walked to me and shook my hand. "Hello, Minerva. It's lovely to see you too!" "Shall we walk inside? We can go to my office, I can make a cup of tea for both of us, and then we can talk futher." Robin nodded and walked together with Minerva inside towards her office.

As we came into her office, she offered me a seat and began to make the tea. "Do you want a cookie? baked by myself." Minerva said and held the cookies in front of Robin. Robin send her a warm smile "Thank you." She grabbed one of the cookies as Minerva set the tea on the table.

"Robin, do you want to tell me about yourself? I would love to hear it." "Well, I lived my whole live in France, Paris to be exactly. I graduated from Beauxbatons. After that I didn't spend much time in the wizarding world. I came to the muggle world were I met a boy- Steve -We brought a house together and lived there for 5 years before we broke up. After that I wanted a fresh start. I began to focus on magic again and wanted to be a professor. I studied 'muggle studies' for 1,5 year and then Dumbledore sent me a letter, if I wanted to become a professor here. Ofcourse I said yes- so here I am."

"And your family? what about them?" Minerva asked her.

"Well, when the war was here, my family helped to protect Hogwarts, I was 2 years old by then. I don't remember much, my brother- who was 12 years old- stayed with me in France. Our family died in the war. When I was older, my brother told me some things about it. He always took care of me. When I was 15 years, he decide that I could take care of myself. He lives still in France. I speak with him sometimes. So yea.." Robin said.

Minerva grabbed her hand and said, "Robin no matter what, I'll be always there for you. If you need mother time, my door is always open."

Robin smiled at her. "What are you teaching?" She asked as she sipped from her tea. "Transfiguration, all classes." "I loved transfiguration so much at Beauxbatons. How long are you teaching?" Robin asked Minerva. "I teach here now for 35 years. Wow, that's long now that I realize." Minerva chuckled.

"Yeah, how are the stu-" before Robin could finish what she said, someone knocked on the door. "Come in!" Minerva said.

the heavy door opened. There was a long man, all in black; black hair, black clothes and black eyes stood in the doorframe.

Robin turned around to see who was knocking at the door. As she met eyes with him, she was completely in her own world.

"Minerva. And you might be Robin, the new muggle studies teacher. Or at least, that's what everyone says." Severus said. Robin stood up and walked towards the black haired man. "Yes, I'm Robin Thompson... And who are you?" "I'm Severus Snape, Potions professor."

Robin nodded slowly and got back to her seat.

"Severus, what can I do for you?" Minerva asked. "Well, I needed from Albus.. To show Robin her chambers. But I think I'll do that later, you two are buzzy as what I see."

Robin quickly stood up and turned to Severus who was staring at her the whole time. "Ohh no, we just finished our tea. You can show me my room." Robin said.

both Minerva and Severus raised there brows at the same time from the quick reaction of Robin.

"Well okay, follow me." Severus turned around and walked away. Robin said thank you to Minerva before caught up with Severus.

"Your room is next to mine, that's why I have to show it to you." Severus sighed. After all these years of silence, which he really enjoyed. Was there ofcourse someone who was gonna break the silence.

As the two came by the rooms, Severus pulled out a golden key. He put it in the door and unlocked it. "Well, have a look." Robin got in her room. She stood in the living room which she recognized from the  couch, the two seats at the sides of the couch and the fireplace in front of it. A big grey and white carpet on the floor, a wooden floor and olive green walls. There were also some decorations. A big lamp next to the couch. A record player in the corner of the room and a lot of plants.

"Albus asked me to decorate your room. He said how you wanted it. So I hope you think it's nice, because I didn't want to do much for you." He said as he stood in the doorframe watching Robin who's exploring the room. "I love it." He could feel her big smile on her face.

Robin walked to the bedroom, which was connected to the living room. No doors, just a open space. It had a king-sized bed and a low wardrobe. The bed was between all windows that gave light in her room. 

She walked from her bedroom to the bathroom and back to the living room were was a dark brown door that lead to a small kitchen.

"Thank you Severus." Robin gave him a small smile "Yea.. tomorrow is a staff meeting, I will hope that you are there. Especially at your first meeting Thompson." Before she could say something he walked away to his own room.

Robin sighed and walked to her record player. Put on some music, extra loud and began to pack all her stuff that were settled in her room. After a few songs with dancing and singing, there was a loud knock at the door. Robin walked to her door and opened it.

"Severus what's wrong?" She obeyed him from head to toe. He was in his pyjama. "What's wrong?! Do you know how late it is and you are singing with loud music!" He walked into her room to the record player and turned it off. "And now, I'm going to sleep and you too. There's a new day tomorrow." He said while looking in her messy room. She sighed and lead him out. "Well, goodnight then." Only a disgusted look from Severus was her answer. She closed the door and changed to her pyjamas.

She walked to her bathroom to brush her teeth and put off her makeup. To get ready for bed.

The thick blankets covered her body as she fell into a deep sleep.


What did you think of part 1? I know it's not that long. But i'm saving ideas for next parts. :)

See u at the next part♡︎

-1255 words

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