The Midnight Duet

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It was another one of those night where sleep eluded me. I sat watching the moon shine softly through my window lighting up a sliver of my room. The only noises being the humming of the A.C. and my cats soft purs. I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath and did what usually calmed my nerves. I started singing.

"Follow me home, if you dare too
I wouldn't know where to lead you.
Should I take chances? When no one took chances on me?
So I watch from the dark. Wait for my life to start, with no beauty in my memory..."

A second voice appeared and started softly singing along. It was Wanda.

"-All that I wanted, was to be wanted.
To young to wander London streets alone and haunted..." she sang.

"Born into nothing."

"At least you have something."

"Something to cling to..."

"Visions of dazzling rooms, I'll never get let into..."

"And the memories were lost long ago..."

"-but at least you have beautiful ghosts".

And so we sang through the walls, our voices echoing through the night as we soothed eachother back to sleep.
Her voice was soft and soothing and lulled me into a deep sleep.

The next morning began like every other morning, as if what had happened last night didn’t happen at all. My alarm went off, I got up, got dressed, and fed my cat just like always.

As Wanda and I waited for the elevator she spoke up.

"I heard you singing last night, you have a beautiful voice" she whispered. I smiled and returned the compliment.
"I heard you join in, your voice is also very lovely"
She blushed and looked down at her feet.


We walked into the elevator and headed towards the kitchen where everyone was sitting for breakfast.

Everyone turned in our direction as we walked in.  I shrugged and walked to the fridge and Wanda did the same.

"All right what gives?" I said as I sat down at the table, everyone was still in silence.

"We should be asking you that!" Stark finally spoke up.

"Yeah, what was that little concert at midnight last night?" Clint said from the corner of the room.

"Seriously was that you singing last night?" Steve asked.

"Oh I can't take all the credit, Wanda was singing too" I smirked as I took a bite of my toast. I saw her blush and walk out of the kitchen.

"Why were you singing?" Natasha asked.

"Couldn't sleep, felt like singing. Little Witch must've had the same idea" I answered as I tossed my plate into the sink and left the kitchen.

As soon as I was out of eyesight I rushed after Wanda.
AN: This one was kind of short, sorry about that. Hope you enjoyed it.
(I might edit this later and make some improvements, I'm not really sure yet)

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