i havent thought of a name yet

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Oops. I'm back.
A/n at the end
(Pls comment what u think I should name this)
As always, constructive criticism, reviews, and/or ideas are always welcome.

"One, two, three- arms up Y/n!" Ms. Vostokoff said, shooting a glance towards you.

"You heard her Y/n, 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘶𝘱." The Sokovian girl next to you smirked. You huffed and stood up straighter, arching your arms above your head

"Suck-up" You murmured as you spun into a pirouette. Wanda Maximoff. The most perfect little priss to ever walk the damn planet. You knew she wasn't fond of you either. Why should she be? You were loud and uncalculated. The complete and total opposite of the brunette dancing beside you. It's not like you cared. Her approval was worth as much as dirt to you.

"I think that's enough for today girls. Some of us don't seem to be present." Ms. Vostokoff announced, sending another look towards you for the second time today. You blushed and quietly apologized, sending a glare towards Wanda as she snickered. Maybe if you shoved your foot up her ass it would dislodge the stick she had shoved so far up there.

Your thoughts were cut short by a small slap on your shoulder.

"Earth to Y/n! Anyone in there?" You heard your best friend's voice in your ear.

"Nope, been vacant for a while. Rent's only one-fifty  a month if you'd like to move in." You joked, turning around and walking with Kate to the locker room.

"Haha, very funny. Seriously, what's going on up there?" Kate questioned, flicking you on your forehead before peeling of her sweaty leotard.

You rolled your eyes before copying her movements.

"Who do you think?" You asked, groaning a little as you pulled a hoodie that was a size too small over your head.

Kate shook her head,


"I don't know! It's just- she's been just so aggravating recently!" You complained to Kate.
"She's always aggravating." Kate reminded you.

"Yes, but more so than usual." You replied.

A sharp cough sounded from across the locker room.

"You two are aware that I can hear you right?" Wanda said, a twinge of her accent seeping into her words.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that eavesdropping was rude?"  You asked snarkily, a few girls laughed quietly.

She straightened up with a frown and slammed her locker door; storming out the door to the parking lot.
Outside, the frigid December air nipped at your nose as you slid through the parking lot to your car. A pink square of paper stuck to your window caught your attention as you fumbled for your keys inside your duffel bag.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that you should be dancing on a pole instead of on pointe?"  Was scribbled out in glittery blue ink.

The insult did sting a bit, but you did give her points for creativity. You ripped the paper off your window and crumpled it into your pocket, sliding through the door and into the driver's seat. You listened to the dissatisfied grumble of your engine as you started your car and drove out into the dark parking lot, the crumpled up pink post-it note in your pocket itching against the fabric of your leggings. (Part 2 coming soon)

... so... long time, no see...

I'm sorry for the wait and how short this is, but I realized that if I was going to start posting again, I would have to break it down into more manageable chunks.

I'm sorry it's been so long, I hope that I can start producing better content for you guys to read and hope to start producing a lot more of it now that school is winding down.

Constructive criticism, reviews, ideas, and anything else really is always welcome.

Thank you to anyone that stuck around to read this entire thing.

And as always,

Thank you for reading, voting, commenting, and following. All of you who continuously read and support what I write have made me feel so much more confident in what I write.

<3 Natalie.

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