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Seraphina hummed softly to herself, brushing her hair as her phone rang.

"Min Seraphina, how can I help you?" She only got business calls lately, so a proper introduction was needed every time.

"Oh, I thought this was Jeon Jungkook's number." The voice sounded confused on the other line.

"No no, you have the correct number." Seraphina smiled. "I'm Jungkook's manager. All business calls go through me and I rely it to him."

"Oh perfect." The voice smiled. "Well Miss Min, Jeon Jungkook was been invited to the Autumn Ball."

Seraphina's jaw dropped. The Autumn Ball was one of the biggest events this time of year.

"The details?" Seraphina quickly grabbed a piece of paper and pen, writing down the information.

"Well, Jeon Jungkook was accidently pushed to the bottom of the list and we failed to call ahead of time." The voice laughed nervously. "It's tonight, at 8."

Seraphina dropped the pen, holding onto the phone with both hands. "I'm sorry, did you say tonight?"

"Unfortunately, yes. If he can still make it, that would be wonderful. If not, we completely understand." The voice paused, waiting for Seraphina's reply.

"Will you give me just a moment so I can look at his schedule?" Seraphina asked, the voice agreeing quickly. Seraphina pulled up his schedule, thinking quickly. His producing could wait till Wednesday. "Well, good news! I can fit it in his schedule!"

"Oh perfect!" The voice smiled. "He is allowed one guest with him tonight. The dress will be the same as years in the past, tuxedos and gowns. We look forward to seeing him and his date tonight."

"Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day." Seraphina smiled widely, the two of the hanging up. She squealed and danced around her room, picking up Mika and spinning the cat. "Mika! This is wonderful! He will get so much popularity!"

Seraphina stopped spinning, her eyes widening. "He needs a tux and a date. I have to go!"


"Jungkook!" Seraphina exclaimed, waltzing into his room. "Come on! We need to start the day!" Seraphina pulled open his blinds, Jungkook groaning and pulling the covers over his head. "Come on Sleepy Head!" She laughed, turning off the fan that gave him some white noise. "I have exciting news!"

Beneath the covers, Jungkook looked at his watch, groaning loudly. "It can wait till at least 8 o'clock."

"It cannot!" Seraphina jumped onto the king-sized bed, crawling to the top half and sitting with her legs crossed beneath her. "Come on Kook." She smiled, shaking his shoulder lightly. "Let me see your face."

"Not till at least 8:30." Jungkook turned on his side, his back facing her, still beneath the covers.

Seraphina smiled softly, a plan crawling onto her mind. She slipped her hands beneath the covers and began tickling his sides. "Are you ticklish?"

"Noona!" Jungkook squirmed around. "Stop!"

"So you are ticklish?" She laughed, Jungkook giggling from beneath the covers. "I'll stop once I see your face!"

"Stop stop!" He laughed, trying to push her hands away, failing. "Okay okay! I surrender!"

Seraphina stopped tickling him, Jungkook coughing with a laugh. "I'm waiting." She sang, Jungkook still beneath the covers.

"Yeah yeah." Jungkook rolled onto his back, pulled the covers off his head, squinting at the light. "Ta da."


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