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Ethan's Pov:
For once I have a brake from the hustle at the hospital.
I can finally relax and enjoy my day off.
What I normally like to do to clear my head is to go into the forest, sit under a tree and write a story or 2.

As cliche as it sounds, it really does the job.
I have always found myself writing about my romantic fantasy.
About dashing men saving their lovers, vampires finding the one to make theirs and live for eternity.
And as romantic as it is, I can only hope I can find myself a good man.

Something I have really been struggling with.
Mainly because of the toxicity in my family after I had told them I was gay. I moved to London to try and start a better life.
Its been going there, but not fully.

I find myself getting so caught up in my own thoughts and writing that a drop of water was what made me snap back.
I look up and see gray clouds stretching out afar and turning dark as it continues to come closer.
I hear a crack of thunder and only what I can guess was a flash of lightning.

I get up to start walking back down the trail when I realized what i have done.

'Looks like i walked to far out, huh?'

I ask myself as I see there is no more trail and I've become lost. I decide to walk down an alleyway of trees in hope to find some help.

I make my way through the trees and find myself staring at a large old fashioned mansion. Looks like it had been there for years. It sounds bad, I've seen enough horror movies to say this is how I will die, but I'm desperate and it isn't safe to be out in the woods during lighting and thunder.

I make my way up to the large front door and knock a few times hoping to get an answer. When I don't I let out an irritated sigh and start to walk away. As I do, I hear the faint sounds of rusty doors opening. I turn to see the doors to the old mansion opening up, as if to invite me in.

I take my chances and walk into a large foray. Once I enter, the doors immediately slam shut. I jump at the loud sound. I turn back around to try and get a glimpse of where I'm at.

"Hello..." I call out, "is anyone in here?"

I receive no answer, and so I make my way down to long and narrow hallway. Making myself into the living room. I gaze at the old fashioned Victorian paintings and furniture. The room being lit up by dimly lit torches, chandeliers, and candles. I walk next to the couch when I hear a faint chuckle in the distance. I look around and see nothing.

Starting to freak out a little I try calling out again.

"If anyone is here, I'm not a threat, I'm just trying to seek shelter from the storm. I not trying to be a bother."

I receive no answer back. I continue to make my way across the room. Suddenly I hear a man's voice behind me.

"Of course you're no threat, look at you, so weak and helpless. Like a small rose in a rushing storm."

I turn to see a tall and well built figure of a man walking down a flight of stairs. Coming near me, I can see the details of his face starting to shine. Skin as pale as snow, long hair as dark as the night sky, and ruby red eyes.

"What's wrong, you look like a deer facing it's hunter."

He says as he's getting closer to me. Once he is only a few inches away from me he takes his cold, pale hand and runs it down the side of my face. Sending shivers down my spine.

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