How We Met

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"You're not alone

We'll brave this storm

Let's face today

You're not alone..."

I heard Andy's sweet angel voice sing as he ended the song and I got closer to the front.

By the time I got to the front he was talking to the audience, but I wasn't paying attention because excitement overwhelmed me, because I had never been so close to a band that has helped me so much.

I dug my face into my hands because I felt myself blushing. when I look back up I see Andy staring at me, and I realize that I had tears streaming down my face by then.

Andy stood right in front of me, knelt down, and put his hand out before saying in this mic. "young lady would you please join us up here on stage.

I just stared blankly at him wondering if he was talking to me.

"Yes you, why the hell would I be standing right in front of you if I wasn't talking to you!!" He said loudly

I was shaking as I took his hand, and he pulled me on to the stage with him

I completely forgot that I was crying until Andy took his rag out of his back pocket and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Keep it," he's aid while he smiled at me "why were you crying?" He asked me looking me straight in the eyes with his icy crystal blue eyes.

"I'm just so happy" I told him

"I'm glad you are happy, and since you're already up here I will song this song just for you it's called The Morticians Daughter." He said as I got a huge grin on my face, and I'm pretty sure nobody in the crowd not even my best friend , Amanda, and her boyfriend, Dan.

"What's your name?" Ashley interrupted before the song started.

"Alex." I said quickly.

" This song is for Alex, a beautiful young lady!!!!" CC chirped in

By the middle of the song I noticed I was crying. I don't know why I was crying, but I guess Andy noticed because he walked over to me, and grabbed my hand in his.

Before I knew it, the song had ended, and I was in a giant group hug with all five of them.

"Make sure she stays backstage, Andy's orders" Jake said while taking me to the side of the stage.

While they were singing their last two songs I said hi to a few bands, including Patty Walters and his band, and Asking Alexandria while they were waiting to go on stage.

As the bands were changing set I was tapped on the shoulder. Thinking it was a security guard I turned hesitantly, but I was wrong.

"Hey Satan, and guy!" I joked saying hi to Amanda and Dan.

"How did you guys get back here?" I asked curiously.

"Oh Dan had an extremely backstage pass that he gave to me." Amanda told me.

As she told me I felt another tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Andy.

"Oh! Shit!" I said remembering Andy.

"Andy this is Amanda, Satan as I call her, and her boyfriend Dan.

I knew how much Amanda loved Andy, and I knew that she was going to go into total fangirl mode, so I shot her a look so that she knows not to go all fangirl.

"Why don't we go panda?" Dan asked Amanda. They both turn and start to talk to Asking Alexandria.

"Hey I need to talk to you." Andy said as I turned to face him.

"Yeah" I squeezed out barely because I noticed how close our faces were, and I blush of embarrassment. I put my hands on my face, and I felt Andy pull my hands away and he lifted my chin.

/I noticed Andy's eyes were brighter than normal, not like they aren't ever bright it's just that they were extra bright, wayyyy brighter than normal.\ I thought to my self.

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